

The Haunted Hostage (Part 2 of 6)
Detective Alec Green's Mystery Stories*

Alec updated Anjali about the hostage case and the urgency of the matter. When the discussion was over. Alec, Felix and Anjali examine the files the woman had given them carefully.

''So far out of all the information we had extracted from these files. Not one document states where the woman's son might be. I don't think her husband had mentioned it. If he did it would have been written here. As the woman had said, all our answers are in this file. Unfortunately it is not.'' Alec said while constantly banging his fingers on the file documents. 

Felix then pulled out a photo of an abandoned house from between the documents and looked at it. Before resting it singly on the desk for everyone to look at it.

''To be honest, this place looks abandoned and haunted. Do you think this photo is linked to the hostage situation? To me, it seems like it.'' Felix asked. Anjali then turned the photo in her direction and picked it up to have a closer look.

''I think so, I will do some research and find out.'' Anjali answered.

''Okay, we will join you.'' Alec said. 

Anjali, still holding on to the photo, walked straight into the lab and sat in front of her computer. The men followed behind and sat beside her. They watch as Anjali does her research on the abandoned house.

Same time, Adira walked in with a lunch box on one hand and Koa's leash on the other. As soon as Koa walked in the lab, Adira let go of his leash. Everyone turned around to watch them as they entered the room. Felix quickly got up from his chair to hug and greet his wife. Felix then took the lunchbox and escorted Adira by the others.

''Hey Adira.'' Anjali and Alec happily said before looking at the photo again. Adira waved at them and also looked at the photo. When she did, her eyes widened.

''Hey, I know this abandoned old house. I was taking photos on my hike in Avidavi woods years ago. The house looked creepy so I took some photos of it for keeps sake.'' Adira said excitedly. 

Felix began to dig in Adira's one strapped bag for her camera. When Felix got a hold of it, he began to search through Adira's collection of photos until he found it.

''Wait, you know this place?'' Anjali asked, pointing to the photo on the desk.

''Yes, if I remember correctly it's up past a village. Like way up a hill and hardly people go there. The villages are friendly but don't even go up there themselves.'' Anjali thought out loud.

''Why is that?''Alec asked.

''There is a saying that years ago, a group of children were kidnapped and brutally killed in that house. After the brutal killing, the kidnapper disappeared and has never been found again. Ledge says that the house is haunted by the souls of the same children. If you go there something bad will happen to you. I never believed it and still went to take photos but I never dared to go inside.'' Adira explained.

''I think we should check this place out. Since Adira had explained the haunted house theory. Also, looking at the photos both Adira collected and the woman had given us. There is one thing that these photos don't have in common.'' Felix confidentially said while showing them the photos again.

''What's that?'' They said and Felix began to show them the evidence as he explained.

''There is a reason why the woman would give us a photo of the old haunted and abandoned house. She may not have mentioned it but it was not for show. The woman is not a photographer by profession either but she did say that all our answers lie in the file documents given. That says a whole lot especially when it comes to us spotting this photo between the files. She must have suspected that her husband took their son to this house. He probably thought it was the best place to kidnap and murder his son. Since that place has a bad reputation of its own.

To prove my point, Look at Adira's past photos of the old house. The photos look old, yes but the house looks abandoned. It also snowed at the time Adira had visited. On the desk, is a photo of that same exact house and the season had changed to summer. The same exact season that we are in. If you look carefully, I noticed that the photo the woman had given us has lights by every window. Almost like candle lights. It's not too bright and not too dim. Yet, it's easy for passersby to walk past the house and still think it was abandoned. 

Also in the back of this photo, the woman stated that it was taken on the twentieth June of this exact year. While Adira took only five photos, it was six years ago. Only two years since she started her photography career. So I am one hundred percent certain that this is the place we need to go and find her son.'' Felix explained.

After that long explanation and carefully examining the photos again, everyone seems to think what Felix had said made sense.

Alec took a look at the documents again and looked at the photo at the same time.

''I found something as well.''Alec said while pointing at a few sentences before he continued talking. 

''Look, it states here that on calling to threaten his son's life for a random, her husband had been arguing over the phone. To her it seems like he is going mad because she was unable to hear anyone or any background noise. To make it worse, it has been going on for one and a half weeks since they have last talked.'' Alec read aloud and everyone hovered over him to see.

''This definitely explains a lot. Maybe we should actually go there and see for ourselves. Just we have to go now cause our wedding is tomorrow.'' Anjali said in agreement and Alec's eyes widened.

''Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. Well tomorrow, you're going to be my sleepy bride hahaa. Well, I was planning on sleeping throughout our entire honeymoon anyways hahaha.'' Alec laughed. 

So did Felix but he tried to hide it knowing that his wife was standing behind him. Anjali hit Alec lightly on his shoulder.

''Stop being mean.''Anjali said, feeling slightly upset. Alec continued to laugh and raised his hands in defense.

''Okay, okay. I was just joking. I do have a surprise for you after our honeymoon. I won't tell you though, until after the wedding.'' Alec said. Anjali smiled and shook Alec's shoulders continuously in excitement.

''Yay!'' Anjali shouted.

''Guys we have to go now. We need to drop Adira home before we head to the location. I'm sure the children is at home by now with their grandmother.'' Felix said in a hurry.

''I'm sure as well but I'll still call her to find out. I'll do that once we get in the car.'' Adira replied and Felix agreed.

They all then focused on packing up their stuff to get ready to go. Once they got in the car, they drove off in a hurry to get to their destinations.

.........to be continued.

© Copyright 2022 by Chelsea K. Jack. All rights reserved.