

My type of Love
Hello diary,

I was just watching the anime 'A day before us - S1'. Episode 3 of the anime had one part where the guy's hand accidentally touched the girl's that he likes and he gets all shy shy. Back home, he stares at his hand, reaches to it and kisses. Then he starts blushing and rolling in bed. I could feel his joy. Reminds me of when I first met angel and her hand touched mine. I had never met a lady friend before, let alone having feelings for someone. My heart skipped a beat. I still remember how I kept looking at my hand all night imagining and reimagining her.

Then there was this episode where the guy was sitting and sipping his coffee and his love interest, the young lady came, snatched and took a sip and returned the glass. He was staring at the straw, indecisive if he should take a sip, if taking a sip from where her lips touched the straw will count as an unofficial kiss. He was lost in his thoughts, probably living in his own imaginary world.

In this fast paced world with ever evolving love-stories, I wonder if such love still exists or am I the only one moving like a turtle. When I say I don't believe in love, I actually mean to say, I don't believe in this type of love. Probably because I can't adapt to the 21st century love, jumping steps and climbing the ladder from first sight to intimacy in a week. I want to take my time. I want to know the person. I want to fall in love. I want to feel the butterflies. I want to go on dates. I want to see the smiles. I want it all or nothing. People would probably call me old school and laugh at me and my approaches towards love.

Isn't it crazy to see every other guy in facebook, instagram, discord and every other social media waiting for an opportunity to flirt with the next girl and the next and the next while I watch animes about holding hands and be happy for no reason at all?

Won't take any more of your time tonight.
Until next time, bubbye.

© TheMaskedIdiot