


I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was back on my home street and that I was slumped against a bin of trash. Suddenly headlights came out of nowhere glowing mysteriously coming closer to me till it stopped directly in front of me. A tall figure walked towards me coming into the light. I breathed out relieved it was only a cop. The cop helped me up and after asking a few questions like, where do you live?,Are you hurt or lost?,how did this happen?, you know simple questions. I told him where I lived and told him that I was riding a bike when a car swerved off and on the right lane leaving me crashed upon this bin. The cop looked at me intently then finally believing it was a legit story he brought me into his car and took me home. As soon as my mother saw me she cried out a prayer of thanks to God for bringing her daughter back. Enveloping me in a warm hug. She thanked the police officer as he was leaving the house. Even my brother was happy to see me as I caught him crying a little. After that day I was escorted everywhere by my brother total annoyance everywhere. I had to use all my will power not to slap my brother for if I were my mother she would only make it worse for me. I continued to go to school with of course my brother changing classes to be in my classes. When the school bell rang and my brother was talking to some friends I decided now was the time to escape. Slowly I tried slipping away but unfortunately my brother caught on and caught up with me. "uuugh! ", I groaned slapping my face."Believe me this is no fun for me either",he said rolling his eyes in annoyance. I just grumbled and that was that.that.I continued to continue a normal life as a teenage never even mentioning once to anyone what really happened. But one night my life changed forever. It was a pretty normal Thursday night, I was on the coach watching spongebob(I mean hey who can blame me it was throwback thursday.)I was eating popcorn and was to lazy to throw the popcorn away so I just thought I wish I was closer to the trashcan.trashcan.You wont believe what happened next. Before I knew what was happening I felt a draft and when I opened my eyes I was next to the trash can I tried not to jump to conclusions as to how I got there and thought maybe I just kept of the couch to the trash can. Nothing out of the ordinary happened after that. A few weeks later I had forgotten about the whole incident and was only focused on finding a way out of my house unnoticed. I waited for my family to go to sleep before trying anything because they were heavy sleepers and nothing I repeat nothing could wake them up. I found a window high up on my wall and decided it was my best bet. I decided to use my dad's ladder to get there for any other way was nearly impossible. After a few steps out of my room I crept slowly into the attic turning every few seconds to make sure I wasnt making any noise. Once I got the ladder I slowly crept back towards my room when I tripped and fell on the floor with a great thud waking up everyone in the house. My mom and brother rushed downstairs turning on the lights to see me sprawled on the floor ladder in hand. "NAOMI PRESCOTT SCOTT YOU BETTER TELL ME WHAT THE BLAZES YOYR DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF TH E NIGHT!",she thundered. "Whould you believe me if I said I was cleaning?",I said weakly. Pinching me by the ear she dragged me into my room forcing me to tell her what I was doing. Of course to my brother's utter delight I was grounded for a month. I glared maliciously at my brother when all of a sudden solar energy sparked in my hands shooting it at a plant causing a fire spreading rapidly. In horror my mom and brother looked at me like I was a freak. "WhaWhat have I done",I said looking at my hands. Grabbing my phone I rushed out of the house crying disappearing into the night.
© kbkma1917