

the lost fairy princess Rosalie
chapter 1: fairy princess Rosalie was born one morning in the fairy castle lived two faries a king and a queen they loved each other very much and the queen fairy told her king she was.... pregnant !
and he was in shocked he looked at her and said , my love when did you find out ? she told him this morning when I woke up my love and so as time went by day by day and nights by nights the time finally came to them .
she was in pain and was in labor she looked at the king and said it's time !! they rushed into the delivery room in the castle and before you knew it she had her baby girl and her name was princess Rosalie .

chapter two : the fairy princess is gone
princess Rosalie was beautiful and had blonde hair and pretty blue eye's she was perfect , the king and queen was beyond happy to see their beautiful fairy princess Rosalie and one day a bad fairy toke princess Rosalie away from her parents ! where has she gone? the queen and king said to each other the whole castle was being searched around for her but nobody could find her .
oh my love where could she be?the king said
as the days went by and the night's went by she was never to come home she was still gone .

chapter three : first birthday
Rosalie was still gone and today is her birthday she is now one years old but she didn't get to have her first birthday with her parents sadly she felt she asked the bad fairy named Kate can I please go outsie and have my birthday outside ? Kate said NO roseslie!
she shouted roseslie ran to her room crying ,
saying to herself I don't understand why is this happening to me ? she felt sad and hurt inside but her real parents never forgotten about their baby girl on her first birthday they made cards saying happy birthday my beautiful fairy princess Rosalie we love you happy first birthday love you're parents .
they held on to that card they wrote for her until she comes back home and roseslie sits on her bed still crying until she heard a nock on her window, who could that be ?
and she opened the window and there she saw a fairy a fairy that was two years old just a year older and asked her what is wrong ? are you ok? she said not really I want to leave this place but I can't the fairy said will come with me here take my hand and so she did and they flew off she was Finally out of the place that didn't make her fell home .

chapter four : the fairy friend
the fairy who helped her get out of the place that didn't fell home toke her to a place in the woods where the fairy would hang out at and she stayed with her fairy friend and the fairy friend was a boy who was a prince
she and him talked for hours and asking questions and the days went by fast they were both now older she was fifteen and he was sixteen and she stayed with him since she was one and he was two at he's parents place for awhile , she still every night thinking about who her real parents are and where are they where is her home she was thinking and thinking about it all night the prince said hey do you want to explore the whole kingdom ? she said sure why not and so they flew off into the kingdom looking around and laughing until she heard a voice not just any voice but someone's voice that made her fell warm and happy she was looking around to find the fairy with the voice that made her fell warm and safe and happy but couldn't find the fairy will she find the fairy that she fells like she knows ?

chapter five : the king and queen
yawned as princess Rosalie woke up the next morning she said morning prince he said morning to you too princess Rosalie they were the best of friends they went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast after eating the princess said I never really asked what you're name is yesterday what is you're name if I may ask ? he said my name is Elijah prince Elijah .
princess Rosalie smiled and said I like you're name as she blushed he told her thank you princess Rosalie and he asked her would you like to meet the king and queen at the castle I heard they lost their princess and she never came back that a bad fairy toke her when she was a baby she said wow really do you think she will ever return to her parents at the castle ? he told her I don't know I hope so
and so they went to the kingdom to the castle to meet king and queen of the lost princess
hello king Michael and queen Victoria as prince Elijah and princess Rosalie bowed to them they told them hello do you like the kingdom and everything we have to play with and so many fairies to meet ? they said yes we do but we have a question have you found you're princess yet ? it's been five years already and I'm sure she misses y'all and y'all miss her I just wonder if she will come back
and they told them no we haven't yet and we still looking for her .
what nobody knew was their princess was with prince Elijah and Elijah didn't know that was her with him and yet princess Rosalie heard the voice again she keeps wondering where is that voice coming from? will she find out?

chapter six : the voice is found

roseslie keeps looking at the kingdom thinking about the voice she runs to the kingdom to find the voice of the fairy
and she keeps and keeps looking during the night and yet to be found she starts felling sad and down as she turns around to fly back to prince Elijah she hears the voice closer to her turns around and see's the king she didn't understand is it the king's voice I kept hearing closer and closer ? he looks at her and says what you doing roseslie ?
ROSESLIE!!! how does he know my name thinking inside her mind asking herself ,
and says to him how do you know my name king Michael ? he said I hear you're name alot with prince Elijah around he laughed and she looks at him closer she begins to know everything at once .
" no no no it can't be , I can't be and they can't be no way !!! " she turns around back to the prince Elijah house and he follows her
it was night and Elijah went to sleep and she was in another room on the bed but couldn't sleep with everything that just hit her in a minute when looking at the king , she soons fall asleep .
she wakes up and prince Elijah wakes up he asks her " are you ok roseslie ? " she looks at him for two minutes and says " no I'm not ok I think I might be the lost princess " Elijah looks at her shocked " say what ! how are you the lost princess ? " she said do you remember when you found me in the place with the bad fairy ? he said yeah I do wait you were the lost princess Rosalie !!!
she said yes it's me I'm the lost princess
Elijah looks at her and says we need to go NOW !!

chapter seven : the lost fairy princess Rosalie is found

roseslie and Elijah flew into the kingdom when they got there , they ran as fast at they could to the castle to tell king Michael and queen Victoria they know where princess Rosalie is , they shouted King Michael , queen Victoria please let us in we got something to tell you both so they let them what is it ? Elijah said this is you're lost princess roseslie they looked at her deep into her blue eyes queen Victoria Said to her king crying it is out baby girl roseslie ! they told her we been looking for years for you oh how everyone will be happy to know our baby girl is back , roseslie said MOM , DAD I can't believe it I finally found you both I've missed y'all I always kept thinking about my parents and it's y'all ! they hugged each other and Elijah said you're welcome king and queen they looked at him and said did you find her ? prince Elijah respond yes I did when I was two years old and she was one years old I find her at this weird house with a bad fairy in it that kept her away from the outside and y'all and I didn't know that I found princess Rosalie he smiled at her and whispers you're welcome princess Rosalie and she blushed at him and said thank you
the family was together again prince Elijah and princess Rosalie always saw each other for they were now adults she was nighteen and he was twenty years old then one day he asked her after asking her father and mother to marry him she cried and said yes to him
so they got married in the castle with he's mom and dad watching he's and her wedding
and so now queen roseslie and king Elijah lived happily ever after the end.