

The Battle
Prazert, 276BBD.
Kle walked back to his quarters and opened his door, through which he entered. Kle went over to his desk when he froze in place as his recruit,Kal Gothana, walked in. Kal,seeing his Professor frozen, quickly went over to his cot and sat cross-legged,meditating.
In the vision, Kle stood in the midst of the Dark Rogue and his old master, Deathmaster. Surrounding the three persons, there were a large gathering of ancient Core Ints of the past.
Kle: Master, I left your society because I wanted to free myself from your abuses and your obsession of galactic domination.
Deathmaster walked around Kle,saying: I wanted to recreate Dark's great empire.
Kle,drawing his pistol from its holster,: That ruinous empire will never come back for as long as my society is in control of the galaxy. You will never have any victory, masters!!
Dark: You and your society are no longer Rogues! You and your descendants will never be accepted and be seen as traitors!
Kle ended the vision right there and saw Kal sitting on his cot, meditating. Kle picks up a book, that's labeled The Ancient Kortiz of Veina Pein, the book that was written by a mysterious being that existed in Kore Gala. Kle left the book on Kal's lap with a note before he left to the landing pad, where his fighter was waiting.