

Touched for the very 1st time~by life

I needed you more then air..
I needed your touch,your smiles, the lil parts of what make you special....It was all I wanted in life....To be your wife, your bestfriend......We had a bond so different...... It was unbreakable....Then It shattered like a glass falling from the celling...... Silence.....We both just sat there, bewe knowing it was the end....Sad but couldn't move... both of us taking in every last secound of our hearts in.... It wasn't like we hated eachother....And wanted to go to war.....but it was the battlefield we couldn't overcome...The struggle of chasing something that wasn't even important....We lost the desire and fire to fight....Instead we became willing to throw it all away, and move on to another.... We both let go.....and even tho we still loved eachother....We were gonna try to love a new...... Because you were no longer my man....I no longer your girl... Available ??" Yeah??" Lets go out....is the first thing ppl ask me when I tell them what happened.....I have to be this new person.... because you let go..... I won't be foolishly loving & sit home lonely anymore.....You left....So I said ok I'll leave to.......Here I give your heart back to you....&& I take all my love back..... I'm gonna find someone who won't break it this time .....I made the wrong choice, when I choose you... So this time I'm going to have fun.....Going out with everyone in sight..Doing whatever I wanna do.....Wild and free....like a bird out of the sanctuary.....I can fly high....As high as I desire....Come on let's get together.... New guys in my phone... Ring Ring I never get a chance to be alone....Trying to escape my mind... A new guy every time. trys to get me to let him be the one.....That can make me forget....So far......The good ones did take me to that place..Where I didn't care about "what's his name" .... I got my thoughts and with no regrets.....Enjoyed every minute of this new experience......They wanted to show me a extra good time....Since I been tied to only one guy all my life.....Soo now I'm going wild....Like a goose on the loose....You can't cage me.....I never felt so happy ~ so free.... Always use to be stressing... Wondering if he's gonna hurt me...or make the mistakes that could destroy my soul...Always on guard, because i was so damaged ~ so scarred...
Now he's like a stranger and I am to..... Because of the life I'm living && having Soo muchhhhh fun doing it up...Two complete different realitys.... I use to make dinner, every night watch tv, had my shows that was the most exciting thing...Waiting for the new one next week....
Totally different from who I am now....Guys calling and coming by... The men that send me flowers, jewelry and gifts like sweet sugar hunny nectar...There all buzzing around me, whispering sweet nothings.....Dates that end up being Almost Any and Everything you could imagine..... wild LONG nights that I never had with you....
I was with you for love....Now I'm just having fun... And I didn't know ((how different the two were))) in all reality.......

I'll keep choosing this && doing me...
You do you... I laugh as I say that .... Because you would be sooo shocked if you only knew all the new stuff I learned and could do....You'll never get to see..... Because your dead to me....

now I gotta go get ready and freaky.. Have fun with your lil hobbies....And mommy.....I got get ready my ride is waiting....