

Br'er fox and Br'er wolf chapter 1
The year is 1846.

It was a hot and sunny day in Louisiana and the two siblings brother fox and brother wolf were out on their farm working, they had been commissioned to harvest the corn fields and clear weeds from the corn fields by their boss, a bear.
The sun shone the most and not a single rain cloud had appeared all day.
Brother Wolf was the one who was most tired, he hated working, even though he got paid very well.
“Pew, hey br’er fox, do you understand how hard it is to walk around wid this scythe an’ harvest corn? Nebber before have I worked so much! ” complaining brother wolf.
Brother Fox laughed.
"Pull yourself together, br’er Wolf, see it from the bright side, it is sunny an’ not a single rain cloud has been seen," he replied.
However, this did not make Brother Wolf get in a better mood.
"Easy for you to say, you haven't worked dat much you just stand there and do something." Brother Wolf replied with a sour look.
The two siblings continued to work and the more they worked, the warmer and sunnier it became.
Brother wolf soon gave up..
He collapsed in a pile on the ground.
Brother fox, who had also worked a lot sighed.
"You are right br’er wolf, working really takes effort!" He said.
"Ha! you have not worked anything, you nebber work, you just sit an’ drink cherry wine. ” Brother Wolf replied with a sour smile.
Brother fox pretended not to listen.
The two siblings lay down on the lawn that lay beyond the cornfields.
"You brother wolf, I have always wondered, what is beyond all de fields?" Asked brother wolf suddenly.
Brother fox shook his head.
“I do not know, maybe more fields?
“An’ what is beyond de fields?
"More fields."
"And then?"
“ Br’er wolf! There is nothing more beyond de fields, there are only corn fields an’ other corn fields! ” Exclaimed brother Fox, annoyed.
Brother Wolf was not satisfied with that answer.
"What if there is something beyond the fields that we do not know, maybe a treasure, maybe a castle or even, a whole new country ?!" Said Brother Varg and his eyes widened as he thought of all the exciting things that could be beyond the fields.
Then he suddenly got the idea.
"I think I should leave." He said.
brother fox sat up straight.
"What do ya mean? You're not going to leave, are ya? ” Asked brother fox quickly and anxiously.
Brother Wolf nodded.
"Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do, wid my scythe an’ everything." He replied.
“Have you lost your mind brother wolf ?! You can't just leave, there may be dangers and other nasty things along the way! ” Brother fox said and turned pale white in his face.
"I have decided, at dawn I will leave, do you want to go wid brother fox?" Asked brother wolf.
Brother fox shook his head.
"Nebber!" He replied sternly.
"Well, you may miss a treasure or a paradise, but, do as you please." Brother Wolf said.
He threw away his scythe and started walking towards his and brother wolf's cabin.
The siblings lived in a nice little straw cottage that was a bit away from the corn fields.
the cottage had a thatched roof and the rest of the cottage was built of A nice little cottage.wood.
Brother fox, who really wanted to stay and rest under a tree, started running after his brother.
At least he did not intend to be left alone in the fields without his big brother, then he would probably miss all the fun, in addition, brother wolf needed someone to watch over him, otherwise almost anything could go wrong.
When he arrived at the house, his big brother was busy packing water and food in a big sack.
"Br'er wolf, I have changed my mind, I follow you, someone must watch over ya." Said brother fox.
Brother wolf smiled.
"I knew you would change your mind." He replied cockily.
"But then we have to leave for the so-called paradise fields as soon as possible, if our boss hears ‘bout dis, we are both in a very bad situation." Said brother fox and cringed when he thought about it.
and so it was, the two brothers set off that day to reach the fields of paradise.
But were they really prepared for all the dangers and obstacles that would come on their path? I do not think so.
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