

Phantasm: Loss of Innocence Chapter 5
" So how do you plan to track this creature?"
I casually questioned him.
" I shall send my friends ahead of me and all over this town. They will scour through everything , they will monitor every one to the very last woman and child. Every movement and whereabouts of every soul in this town will be accounted for. Nothing and I mean nothing will be overlooked. I'm going to find this creature I'm going to capture it and then lastly I will kill it".
" Let's not be hasty this creature maybe just doing these things to survive. "
" Survival I understand but this creature kills for pleasure. He kills for sport. He likes to play his prey before he kills them. He enjoys torturing them mentally, driving them mad, making them mentally unstable.".
" Whoa! How- How do you know all this?"
" I know because I've examined the bodies of his victims. There minds had severe scarring that can only be caused by prolonged trauma. I've seen this kind of damage before. He seems strangely attracted to trauma. If somebody doesn't have trauma he makes it for them. He seems to like fear as well. He either feeds on it or he just enjoys the scent.
When a human has fear a certain secretion is released from the skin like a hunter that smells out blood he finds his victims by that smell perhaps. This is as far my research has taken me."
" Well its considerably farther then I've gotten. So quite impressive. So good job, good work. Do you have a name by the way? You know something I can call you?"
" Mr....... Morningside will do nicely thank you".
He said with a snarling edge.
" Well I'm Magenta, most people call me Maggie, Mag for short or if they don't know my name they call me either M.T or Miss Glory.
I don't care which one you call just as long as you don't refer as a girl."
" I already know your name. I care very little of what you are called. Let's just call you Miss Glory for now".
" Okay....Mr. Morningside . You want to keep things formal we can. It's fine by me. First name basis is usually for good acquaintances and good friends anyway.. Did'nt you say something about you having friends?"
" That's absolute nonsense. I have no friends. The friends I spoke of are merely machines of my own invention. It was a expression ".
" Right. Got it. That's really quite sad about the friends. What happened did you kill them all or did you just scare them away?"
" Niether I'm just far too high maintenance for friends ".
" Oh whoo.... That's a big lie. That's so dishonest its it's almost laughable. "
" I killed some of them if you must know. They have become part of my collection of.......slaves."
" Oh you're a slave master. I've never met a slave master before. So what's that like? Being in charge of a bunch of slaves?'
"What a peculiar question. It has its moments i suppose."
"Moments of what?"
"Of enjoyment, of pleasure. There's something incredibly liberating and strangely invigorating to have that kind of power. Life can be truly beautiful when you have absolute control. You should try it sometime".
" I'll pass thank you. I'm not interested in power. I want to know what this creature is. I hope it isn't my old boyfriend".
That was meant to be a lame joke but he didn't get it at least he didn't appear to show any signs of amusement. Then again I was practically talking to the Grim Reaper. He probably didn't even have a sense of humor .
If he did it would most llikely be a very bone dry.
Mr. Morningside as he was called now gracefully took the plastic bag from off the door handle.
I could see the blood pooling up at the bottom of the bag.
"What are you doing with that? You're tampering with evidence! "
" Oh you're siding with the police now are you? The police are calling this atrocity a suicide. You want to join the ranks of those robots you call police? "
" No, of course not! I'm not siding with anyone. I just want for these killings to stop."
" Good. Now if you don't mind I'm going to take this to my lab where I can examine it".
" What about the body? Aren't you going to take that too? "
" Oh I can get that....later. Come now. There's nothing left to see here. "
" Wait where are you taking me?"
" Back to the Mortuary of course. Uunless of course you want to stay here."
" No I don't but you - you-you better not do anything funny. "
" Is that fear a smell with a hint of nervousness. Why so uneasy? You think I'm leading you to the slaughter? "
"You kill me you lose your chance of finding that creature. You'll never capture it on your own. I've dealt with alot of monsters in my time. Ever since I was a little girl I've been fighting monsters and making them cry. "
"Yes you saw a your first monster when you were 5 years old. You used your mind to ward it off. You unlocked its fears and you sent it screaming from your bedroom. You have such unusually strong mental abilities for someone so human."
" Some are born stronger then others. I can't help if I'm one of them. Humans might suprise you Mr. Morningside. You may find that they are stronger then you think ".

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