

Platform 2 Platform (part 2)
Platform 2
The swing of his mood was quite witnessed by mid aged man on his right and an elderly couple sitting right opposite to Girish, but not the young boy to his left who was busy following the dim light that came breaking through the slowly thickening darkness.

Girish unaware of his surroundings busy in checking the profile of Mira and hesitating every time he typed something and cleared to make a move to start a conversation between them.

As the train picked up speed and the journey became more comforting the journey on the other platform also stood parallel. After a whole fifteen minutes of hesitation, typing and clearing Girish had actually managed to pass through his so called "sakht Launda" and wrote "Hlo! At last we came across again". As he wrote this he felt light, as if some thing heavy has been cleared from his heart 💓. Little drops of water trickled on his forehead though the evening was cold enough to make someone shiver the cold , chilled air proved this by kissing the passengers.

During all this Girish's hand sweat like anything making the screen hazy at times. He ignored it, the trembling fingers went for the keyboard again stopped. Unexpectedly an emoji ☺️from Mira flew up the home page.

His face lit up as the screen did as if the emoji was a copy of her expression, he blushed. Girish's sixth sense alerted him as if he was being noticed. He turned his head right , glance clattered through the thick glass lens of the middle aged man creating an awkward situation for both, the couple opposite to them smiled at this incident.

Girish returned his glance to lock screen. It read " You have 3 new messages from Mira" without blinking he rushed through the lock screen with the help of fingerprint sensor and swiped right to open the texts.
"After a long time indeed."
"How r u? How is life going?"
The electrical impulses sparked, jumped across neurons in his brain, creating a mess in his head. He was wordless ,numb , confused . Finger rosed but unable to type as if frozen, eyes can't move from the screen, mouth murmured words which make no sense.

So he decided finally to send an emoji🙂 which could probably mask his miserable condition, nervousness and little excitement.
The middle aged man after denying his eyes for couple of times cannot resist peeping into the small 6.3 inches of display. Train was running smoothly with occasional "thud" noise during crossings of bridges, the compartment was sparsely occupied most of them returning from work places ,the number was decreasing eventually.

As Girish waited for Mira's reply, the young boy next to him was now also busy trying to pierce the infinite darkness to see upcoming station probably. The elderly couple was no more seated, was standing at the door with each others support to board down in the next station.

Girish started thinking about 4 years back, putting an effort on his brain to go back the years . The picture rushed from a unknown protected corner through the narrow slippery lanes of his grey matter.
Flashback ~ He was on a branch of a tree trying to get hold of a fresh raw bunch of mangoes. But his hand is barely reaching.
Someone cried from beneath"Take this" pointing a long stick to him. She has Mira of standard eight. As he stretched his foot lost its hold and next moment there was a "thud" sound opening his eyes he realised that he fell asleep, it was the train 🚆 crossing the bridge which made the sound.

Girish and Mira were neighbours upto grade eight. They were best friends. One would never leave alone they promised. As said promises are made to be broken. Mira had to shift , her father got transferred to Mysore. Girish was not informed , as Mira could not tell him. One day when he got back from school saw Mira's house locked. He could not say good bye it was heart breaking for both of them.

Thinking this Girish's eyes were moist, not letting the flood of emotions to flow and take control over him again, he tried to smile and got up from his seat and got down from train.
Looking at the lock screen which has a picture of them which he had posted on the social media, he went to the social media platform to type a text " Amazing , just don't have the one whom I used to have"
Not waiting for her to reply, comforting himself that she might be busy but remembered, and took steps towards his house 🏠 which will remind him all her memories and torment him more than ever....

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