

Futuristic Predictions
11 August 2021.
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Today in my blog sharing few predictions which I feel might happen in the coming years. These predictions are based on various market research done.
1 People who would stop buying cars would prefer taxis like uber & ola.
2 People would prefer rented apartments over buying houses.
3 The cost of commute will become expensive keeping the mind fuel pricing going up.
4. Most cars will be made from recycled steel.
5. The large steel sector debts will not be able to be returned to banks.
6. Electric cars, electric buses will be the future of the automobile industry.
7. The demise of the auto component industry will affect the global alloys steel sector.
8. Oil behemoths will not be able to repay their loans.
9. Electric vehicles will come with an unlimited warranty.
10. Oil-based economies (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Nigeria, etc) will go into a crisis & recession.
11. Some of the funding coming out of these countries will disappear and the world will become a more peaceful place to live in.
12. Cash-rich automotive lubricant companies will discover there is nothing to lubricate.
13. 3D printing will even out the wage arbitrage between developed and developing nations.
14. Robotisation (or artificial intelligence) will clean out many jobs.
15. Several older skills will become obsolete in the coming years.
16. Renewable energy will kick-start a long-term coal decline.
17. Large coal behemoths employing thousands will file for bankruptcy
18. Banks will become a concept rather than a place, banks will become more about systems than people.
19. The world will move towards deflation arising out of an abundance of money and relatively limited spending.
20. The new retirement age will become around 50 years (average).
21. The post offices would disappear.
22. The cheque system would go away.
23, Plastic cards and online transactions will lead to the eventual demise of the cheques.
24 The newspaper reading would be online & would work on the business model of paid subscription services.
25 The ebook & kindle would be on rising.
26. The landline telephones will gradually die.
27 music will be online.
28. Television revenues will be overpowered by OTT platforms.
29. The things that we own won't be there with us in the future.
30 Certificates will be more digitally.
Finally what we would be left out is with us will be our sweet memories.
The reasoning would be dead. Honesty would be punished. Mediocrity would be rewarded & dependency would be revered .@Jawahar Lalla.#jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs#Instagram Ig: JBLwrites#futurepredictions#economy#businesses#industries.#marketsurveys.
