

Darkside of the mind Crimes- The glass queen part 5
Dear Diary....

Well, this so far was the toughest week yet. Journalist poking their noses in everywhere. Meeting after press conference after news interviews after meetings and so on. Luckly today I had some quiet time to reflect and also to get my results back from my painting.

Sadly however the fingerprints are still being analyzed as they only got a few partial prints. The dna was a bust as it was to little to analize. I am also in awe as my killer is very punctual in her killings. Third kill in three months precisely a month apart. Well this time she wanna be known.

The latest evidence called for attending art exhibits to get our mystery artist. Well, with her recent murder I could understand why she would kill this actor who was performing at the local theatre just three blocks from the chapel. It was a picturesque scene with the chapels window colours gleaming on the victim. What made it even worse though is the rape case open against him. Making the journalist crazier by the day to know every eerie detail. He was wrapped up same as the first victim and had a broken bird figurine next to him and again the redlipstic and heart drawn on his arm.

I did also a lot of digging into bank records from art galleries, but our mystery artist is using diffrent bank accounts each time she exhibits and to make matters more difficult she has an triangular sign on each of her paintings no signature to go on. All we have is a alias to go on, but nothing more than her name and names of the ones who baught some of her paintings.

Still digging and what intrigue me the most she don't really paint people or sculpt them only scenery and glass is her medium. Execpt for two pieces which she sculpted a man in anguish where a man is burning and reaching out with a hand and also a tree where a man stands underneath picking an apple. They are made of wood weird, but the art gallery owners say it is as if she wants people to go back to our primitive ways and she tells us a story of how she catches the beauty and betrayal in each painting and sculpture.

Don't know but I am getting anxious to catch her.. As I have a three week dead line..