

The beginning
In a luxurious castle far, far away in a fancy, beautiful open area of the country side lived a 2yr ly-wolf princess named Solorella Lycary Islet, a now sad little pup. It was just a horrible time for her and her family. Her siblings had been captured along with her father King Anakasel. Solorella Lycary Islet is missed them very much. For many nights in a row, flashbacks came to her, revealing the dreadful memories of her siblings and father being captured. And this when Solorella gets a crazy idea to become part vampire. Why? So, her evil Uncle Daxerum's laws would not prevent her from having a beloved relationship with some of her cousins and brothers. And so, as you know, and as the story goes, Solorella finds a dirty piece of gauze from her brother Marcus' wound in which her mother had accidentally dropped. Solorella picks it up, takes it to her room, and begins sucking on it. And as she does....
she becomes part vampire,
henceforth starting a new twisted begining.
© misty Sapphire