

Nova X 2022
Liam woke up from his nap Oh wow what a day I slept so good he told himself his mother Rebecca was calling his name Liam Liam Liam
Liam Yes mother I'll be down in just a minute
Alright hurry up so she said Rebecca walked outside to her garden of her mansion Liam came walking down the stairs he came outside the door of the garden Yes mother he said Hello Liam hey look you slept over school again what were you thinking Rebecca asked Liam I was up playing video games all night and so I overslept Liam told his mother Well Liam I hate to tell you this but I am taking that video game system out of your room your education is very important you know that what do you gotta say for yourself Rebecca told her son Liam I'm sorry you dont gotta take it from me I can just pack my books in my bookbag and go to school right now Liam told his mother Liam do you know what time it is it is 1:30 PM by the time you get to school it will be 2:00 O clock PM and that's not enough time
For you to do your school work ok so I'm taking your game system from your room maybe this will teach you a valuable lesson that will carry through to your adult life ok copesh Rebecca said Ok whatever I don't like you anyways Liam said with anger he went back up stairs and slammed the door to his room aw Rebecca responded Liam was in his room he was pacing back and forth by his bed that was made up I got an idea I'm gonna show her who's boss he said He got his Superfly suit from his treasure chest he put it on opened the window and flew away there was fire coming from the Jets in his suit wooooooo! hooooooo! He said flying into thee air Rebecca came into the kitchen from the garden got a rag and started wipeing down the countertops
After she got done doing that she walked upstairs to Liam's room you think you can just slam my doors around here well you got another thing coming little boy Rebecca said with frustration in her voice She opened the door Liam she said she walked over to the window Liam Liam Liam Liam she yelled his name out the window kids these days got issues who does he think he is that he can just run away from home like that Rebecca said talking to herself so she went back downstairs got her purse and pulled out her phone and so she called her husband to let him know that Liam ran away the phone is dialing hello randy said yes um how has your day been going she asked It's been going good why what's wrong Randy said in a worrying tone Liam ran away Rebecca said Why did he run away randy asked Because I took his game system away because he was up alnight playing video games and he missed school because he overslept Rebecca told randy Well Rebecca I wouldn't worry about it I'm sure he will come right back he knows his way back home I wouldn't worry about it randy told Rebecca Well I'm worried Randy and I'm getting into the car to go look for him right now Rebecca said Alright well be safe be careful randy said Alright bye She locked the door to her mansion got in her car and left she rode down the road she didn't see him so she got on the interstate in Los Angeles she didn't see him so she went downtown to the mall and there she saw Liam flying in the air in the parking lot Liam get your ass over here right now Rebecca said in a angry voice Haha you cant catch me Liam said Oh you think it's funny well now you are grounded for 3 weeks that'll teach you not to run away Rebecca said You cant do anything to me even if you wanted to haha if you want me you gotta catch me first bye Liam said flying away So Rebecca followed him to the best of her ability she cought him again Liam dont make me call the police on you Rebecca told Liam well you yeah whatever you do that Liam said to his mother Rebecca went back home it was 3:00 PM she had lunch all by herself She heard somebody upstairs Liam is that you she asked Liam unlocked the window and went back into his room he took his suit off and placed it in a secret spot he walked downstairs Liam boy you are in so much trouble right now I dont think you realize how dangerous that was and what was that thing you had on Rebecca asked That's my Superfly suit and it's not dangerous everything has been tested and found safe Liam told his mother Well you are grounded for 3 weeks now so enjoy that go wash your hands and get ready for dinner go Rebecca said Liam went to washed his hands he came back downstairs So what are we having to eat tonight for dinner mother Liam asked Rebecca I dont wanna hear your voice right now because I'm upset with you you will eat what I fix okay so just sit there and be quiet Okay Liam said in a sad voice Randy just walked into the door from work Well hello what do the two of you got going on randy said I'm making dinner for us all tonight Rebecca exclaimed Great randy replied
What are you doing boy I heard you've been causing a lot of trouble today Randy said Liam was just sitting there on his phone texting his friends Liam put the phone down your father is talking to you Rebecca exclaimed Oh yeah what did you say again Liam asked I said you've been causing a lot of trouble today for your mother is this true? Randy asked I haven't been causing trouble I've been good today so far Liam told his father Come on Liam dont sit there and lie to your father tell him about you running away from home tell him about you tauting me if you tell him something tell him the truth Rebecca said in a frustrated voice
So you ran away from home Liam Randy said in a serious voice Yes I ran away and I'm proud of it too Liam said And I dont want any nasty food Liam said running up the stairs went to his room and slammed the door So Rebecca what are we going to do with our rebellious
Child randy asked his wife Well I think we should put our foot down and let him know hey this is our house so you go by our rules we gotta tell him we are the parents and you are the child our job is to keep you safe by all means nessassary Rebecca said Yeah we definitely gotta lay down the law with him kids that are rebellious you gotta be strict with them because I hate to say this but a lot of kids like Liam either end up dead on drugs or in jail and I would hate to see that happen to Liam so if we want him to change we gotta weed that rebellion out of him early Randy said Definitely I agree Rebecca exclaimed Do you want me to call him down here randy asked his wife No just leave him alone let him be mad Rebecca said ok randy replied Dinner was good I really enjoyed it I'm going to take a shower randy told his wife Alright I'm glad you enjoyed it Rebecca said Randy got finished with his shower and Rebecca turned some of the lights off in the house and gathered in the living room to watch some TV they was eagerly watching the Television the news was on and they watched as a unknown vigilante was springing into action 3 men was trying to obduct this young girl about 6 years old and they watched as the vigilante fought all three of the criminals all by himself and the little girl jumped on his back and he flew off to her parents house somewhere in LA the criminals said man forget him let's go Both Rebecca and randy looked at each other with a worried look
They both got off the couch and yelled Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam Rebecca said Liam Liam Liam Liam Randy said neither one of them found him randy went in his room to see if he was there and he wasn't Rebecca and randy gathered by the stairs looking at one another they both said "Our son is a superhero". Their was a heavy police presence downtown LA and quickly a crowd of 130000 people gathered to get a glimpse of the superhero all you heard was people shouting Superfly's name So hey can you tell me what's your name Liam asked My name is Christina The little girl said How old are you Liam asked Christina 6 the little girl said okay Christina I'm going to help you just bear with me He looked on his arm the GPS told him where Christianas parants lived and so he headed north tords the neighborhood where her parents lived Are you alright back there Christiana Liam asked Yes I'm fine the little girl said alright we're here knock knock knock Liam knocked on the door a worried lady by the name of franset Mornington hello how can I help you She asked Hey your child here she has been missing somebody tried to obduct her my name is Superfly and so I brought her back home to you Liam exclaimed Well thank you Superfly you are a hero thank you Liam said Christiana franset said in a relieveing voice Mommy the little girl said Alright everyone is happy now so I guess my work here is done Liam told franset Oh you are the vigilante from the the TV Franset said turning her head realising Liam had already left so she turned around held her daughter by the hand and went back inside the house Liam was flying through LA he flew over the gates he entered thorough the gated community and went to his parents mansion opened the window climbed into his room and closed the window and locked it Rebecca heard some walking around upstairs Randy I think that's Liam Rebecca said I'm sure that's him too randy told Rebecca Liam come down here your mother and I would like to talk with you we wont lecture you Randy said Alright I'll be down Liam shouted What do you guys want cause I'm about to go too bed Liam said Oh I dont know son how come you never told us that you were a superhero randy asked I don't know Mom Dad "that's not something that I want to just carelessly go around and tell people because the minute that people find out my true identity I will forever be hounded by the media they will do anything and everything to get a glimpse of me or a statement from me because they know it will sell and bring their ratings up somebody at CNN just mentioned my name In a broadcast talking about my latest rescue and their ratings shot through the roof". Liam said But Liam let's set all fandom aside I didn't know I had a vigilante as a son but you should know you could have got killed out there Rebecca told Liam "And that's why I do what I do nothing about what I do is easy
I just wanna make LA safer I'm a student by day and a vigilante by night so if you guys dont got anything more important to talk about you're going to have too excuse me". Liam said alright goodnight son sleep tight Rebecca said Yeah goodnight Liam hopefully you will have a better additude tomorrow yeah yeah yeah Liam woke up at 6:30 PM for school he took a shower he walked over to his dresser and put his clothes on all of his stuff is brand new and very stylish Liam went down stairs as he was ready for school he took a limo to Zackery Highschool in Los Angeles Mother I'm headed to school now I love you goodbye Liam said Have a good day Rebecca responded I will Liam said
Where too son Malcolm the limo driver asked I'm headed to my girlfriend's house to pick her up then we're headed to Zackery Highschool Superfly told the limo driver Oh yeah ok I hear Zackery Highschool is one of the best highschools in LA The limo driver said Yeah it has been the #1 highschool in LA for a while now Liam said Oh really Malcolm replied Yeah Liam responded Right well I will get you to your girlfriend's house then Zackery Highschool Malcolm told Liam in a serious voice Thank you Liam said And there is Champagne and glasses back there for you to drink we also got snacks back there too this is the last thing and I wont bother you anymore Malcolm said looking into the mirror pressing the button rolling up the back window as he pulled off Malcolm said Yes sir Liam responded Liam got his phone and called his girlfriend Hailey Alger they've been together for 2 in a half years Hey Hailey this is Liam we will be pulling up to your house in about 15 so be ready Liam told Hailey on the phone Dont worry I will be outside waiting for you to get me Hailey responded to Liam on the phone Alright bye Liam said Bye Hailey replied Malcolm rode tords the front of the gated community where a security guard waved him down So you are taking Liam Zete the security guard said Yes Malcolm responded ok well you are cleared and have a good day I will Malcolm said Their was three blacked out tinted Chevrolet Tahoe SUVs following Malcolm everywhere the Limo turned Hey liam the tabloids are here Malcolm said What Liam responded sounding confused Look behind you Liam turned his head to look in the back window dang it how do they know that this is the car that I'm in Liam said In a angry voice I dont know Liam but I can just press a button to darken all the windows 0% Malcolm said Well do whatever you gotta do because I dont want them looking in here Liam said Will do Malcolm said The limo pulled into the housing addition where Hailey was standing in the front of the house looking on her phone she looked gorgeous she looked about 5 feet 7 inches and she is only 15 years old as the limo pulled up to the house 3 LAPD cars was already at the house The limo pulled up in front of Hailey and before she could get in the papperazzi ran tords her sticking cameras in her face she had to put her head down to avoid the flashes Malcolm got out and opened the door for Hailey Hey you guys need to back off she's just 15 years old Malcolm told the papperazzi How are you doing this morning Hailey Malcolm asked I'm alright Hailey responded Great The papperazzi was looking into the front windshield to get a glimpse of Liam 4 LAPD cops walked tords the limo Get back a LAPD officer said the other three officers were just guarding the limo to make sure the papperazzi didnt get violent and they didnt thanks to LAPD And so the Limo pulled off Liam and Hailey was in the limo hugging each other and just talking So Liam I wont say it too loud but you're Superfly Hailey asked Liam responded Yeah How has that been working for you Hailey said in a worried voice
It's been good because between you and my parents you guys are thee only people who know that I'm the superhero who has been taking California by storm Yeah Hailey said Yes I'm LAs most famous superhero Liam
Said Malcolm pulled in front of the school We're here guys Okay Liam and Hailey said
The LAPD was guarding Liam and Hailey as they went into the school the three blacked out tinted SUVs was sitting outside thee entire school day Hailey and Liam went to their first period class by the end of Fourth period all local and national media outlets was outside waiting on Liam they went to the cafeteria to eat lunch and a crowd of 10000 gathered in the parking lot of the highschool What makes it so bad is CNN FOX NEWS UNIVISION ABC NEWS and CBS NEWS was all there What are you going to do Liam about this they want you to make a statement Hailey asked I will make a statement Liam told his girlfriend Liam walked up to the podium with 5 microphones "Hello everyone this is a beautiful day be careful".
Liam left in the limo with Hailey Hello guys how was school It was okay Liam and Hailey said at one time to Malcolm the limo driver
The papperazzi was following them at every corner Can we stop at 7 Eleven please Liam asked Malcolm Yes but make it quick Malcolm told Liam Hailey and Liam left the limo and went into the store to get some drinks the Papperazzi was standing in front of the store
Taking pics Liam purchased Coca-Cola for the two of them they both climbed back into the limo the papperazzi got in their car and followed them all the way to Hailey's house Hailey and Liam both took a nap in the limo
They were asleep the whole ride Alright sleepy heads we're here I will talk to you later Hailey what a exousting day it has been Liam told his girlfriend Hailey Yes it has been tiring see you soon Liam Alright Liam said Bye Hailey responded Malcolm pulled off one 2 Papperazzi vehicles camped outside her parents house Malcolm the limo driver drove Liam back home it's been about 25 minutes Malcolm pulled into the rich gated community the guard told him he's good to enter and they drove to Liam's parents house alright Malcolm see you later thanks for everything the papperazzi drove up to the entrance to the gated community but the guards didn't let them enter Liam's parents Rebecca stone she is the lead fashion designer for Chanel and randy owns a Bank
Stone Bank and they each live a pretty comfortable life and yes Stone Bank is apart of the FBIC

written by Demetrius