

Lilly In the woods_part 1
Lilly, a little girl from countryside was living alone with her mother.She was 17 years old her father died when she was 8 years old due to illness. Lilly's mother was kind hearted and a beautiful women, she loved Lilly more than anything as she was her only family. Lilly was a beautiful girl,She was more an introvert person she loved to play with animals and write.She did not go to school as in her village they don't have one so,Lilly spends more time with her mother and helps her in household work after that Lilly spent time in the woods, she was a nature loving person she would feed dogs, sparrows and some little harmless animals.One day Lilly was missing her father as she saw other girls in the village with their father's Lilly became sad so she went to the forest as it was the only place to cheer her up. She walked through the woods but as she got deeper she found out that she was on unfamiliar path,she looked back and she found out that she was lost,she panicked and began to call out for her mother but no one answered as she was deep in the woods.lilly started crying a mess.It was going to sunset she was very worried so she started to run but she fell on her knees ,her clothes we're torn and she had scratches on her knees.She got up and found a beautiful place.​

Lilly found a door covered with flowers.She began to walk towards it. She opened the door and she was stunned to see a beautiful garden and fairies. She entered in and looked around, everything was beautiful it was a magical world.There were fairies flying in the sky,cute animals, beautiful flowers and huge fruits.Lilly was shocked as she thought she is in heaven but then a fairy approached to her she was scared as she thought Lilly was a invader from outside world.The fairy called other fairies and they all were scared. One of the fairies asked Lilly what she was doing here and how she came in.Lilly answered them in a sweet voice with a smile. The fairies thought that she looked cute,she couldn't be an invader but they still had doubt on her.They decided to take Lilly to the palace to their King. The king was young and a kind hearted person he loved his place and people,everyone was happy with him but at the same time they feared that people from outside world would find them and take over their place as the king's parents we're killed by some outsiders when they once just checked the outside world but they managed to come back and hide the door and left the people confused. They were about to die and ordered their people that their new king was their son. They told their son to protect the place and people from outsiders.

Back to the present..

Lilly was amazed to look at the palace.When they reached to the king the fairies bowed to him, seeing them Lilly also did the same and this melted the king's heart he smiled internally. The fairies told everything to the king and he looked at Lilly and let out a sigh.He wasn't sure about whether Lilly was an invader or she was just lost so he decided to keep Lilly in his palace and keep a eye on her. Lilly was happy about the thought that she was going to live there but she missed her mother so she wanted to go back.Lilly tried to convince the king she wants to go back but he had no choice but to keep an eye on her.Lilly insisted to go back which made the king angry and he ordered some fairies to lock Lilly in a room.The fairies did their work and went out.Lilly was crying as she didn't know what to do when suddenly the door opened revealing a fairy with some clothes in her hand.

To be continued....
© Aru