

QUOTE - A Positive Idea
Quote is not just a sentence formation
It is a text, when read, makes you think about a situation or condition of a particular thing or being.
That situation or condition helps you to understand the deepness of intention of the quote.

After you read it, you should be ready to accept or apply it in your life for your well being.
"A better quote in a novel is better than novel itself." also a quote.

These quotes makes you take quick decisions because if you know the intention of quote, You will surely know the outcome.

Quote should be written in a easy language or an illustration of simple things. Many people write the full description of the quote but dont write the main line.
The main thing is the Quotation line because you should make the reader think of his situations. He/She will know more about his conditions and will be able to understand more.
Also, there should be a positive idea to explain the quote.

I am starting a thoughtful Comprehensive quote description to understand more about Quotes and their applications in life.

@orangegirl - A quote should be perfect,simple and catching the meaning and applying it in one go.
It should be a motivating and a positive line.

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