

Who I Am From What I Believe
I am not prejudice, but I govern my own life by my beliefs. I do not look down on other beliefs systems, nor have ill will towards anyone (except on some of the occasions of being attacked, as weaknesses go).

I was born autistic but did not find out until I was 47 yrs old. I am a introvert/extrovert, born introvert and forced into extroversion because of nobody knowing I was a super high functioning autistic child.

I have studied the Bible in depth since I was 14. I have a different understanding than most people that I have ever met. However, I have a relationship with God and am saved, and base everything on scripture, as best as I can.

I am a problem solver by nature, gifted in dream interpretation, and an awesome imagination which I govern by the truth I have confirmed.

I am a scientist in method of analyzation, prophetic by revelation, creative in art, and poetically romantic by style.

I believe no blame game, meaning full forgiveness; and still I believe in doing the next right thing, because I believe God's highest goal was His very first instructional promise (instructional promises is what I call what others call commandments, as I call the law of God, the instructions of the great I Am that I Am), which was "be fruitful and multiply"

I speak and write what I believe and have been convinced of by personal testimony, I do this not to Lord over anyone, but towards three or four goals that I have:

I write to be heard by those like I was before I got tragically hurt, to atleast have someone tell them what I needed to know, as I did not have on some certian things.

I write to hear a different view of what I have researched indepth and in learned by the situations of my life, whether they agree or disagree; and I remain a friend in heart having goodwill towards them.

For I want to be right so bad, I want to be shown or realize where I am wrong; not as I once was where I wanted to be right so bad that I did not want to see where I was wrong.

And thirdly, I write so I can express out in the light of others, what my heart feels about what my mind has been thinking about; so I can see it more clearly.

I am a Christian and I do know my God, I know Him as the Spirit of the Love of Life that beats all of our hearts and has a passion, will, and has purposed in His heart to make a way where there is no way so that none should perish.

And finally, I believe we all have a passion in our hearts, that I call None Should Perish, and some of us not awakened completely to God's love only knows that passion as their passion that they do not perish.

I believe all the promises in the Bible is to bring us life, after we do our part to position ourselves to recieve them.

I hope we can be friends, or atleast that you enjoy my writings, please let me know how they help, or if you feel I am coming on a little bit strong or off balance from the truth of living life aright. God's blessings; © Brother Stephen Scottt