

Waltz of Wealth and Minds Ch 1.3
The picture above is the Dormitory head in Ch 1.2

I immediately realized why they were reluctant to call her. I tried to talk to her but she was very aggressive.

"Um...I am Vista Thales. I don't know wh-"

"You can talk?!"

"Ah yes, that's what I hav-"

"You can talk! So why didn't you for this long?"

"Please listen to me, I don't kn-"

"What the hell?!"

She grabbed my shoulders.

"Are you kidding me?! You little leach! Trying to suck from us!"

A realization started to come to me slowly that they were treating me like a child and that woman was a rude person who thinks she could treat children as ever she wanted.

"Why didn't you talk for so long?!"

She wasn't really interested in my explanation. I tried to complete my sentence even though she tried to cut in my sentence.

"I don't know you, please call the police...!"

She slapped me immediately.

I was shocked and looked at her only for her to pull my hair and slap me even more. I quickly retreated back, scared, not knowing what to do, or why was it happening to me.

"Your audacity! How dare you call the police! You little bitch, you even want to drag the police in this lie of yours!"

I kept silent as she continued to scream at me. At This point I realized the power and rights I enjoyed as an adult was then gone and that there I was a helpless child who didn't know anything about her surrounding.

After a while of not being able to answer any of her questions or respond the way she wanted me to, she grabbed my arm and started to drag me somewhere. I finally glanced away from her and saw the 3 girls in the room were now gone.

'Good thing they didn't have to watch this traumatic scene. Or did they?'

I didn't know who that woman was. She took me through many corridor and hallway in my night clothes. After a while, I saw a lot of children around in school uniforms walking and chattering. Many of them were waving their hands as if talking in sign language. They gave us a nervous look as we past them.

After a few more turns and up a few staircase, we reached a room with 'Principal Office' written above the room.

There was a man sitting on a chair behind a table close to a window. There was a central table in the room and furniture around it. There were a lot of books and notebooks on both tables. There were two small cupboards in the room.

The man looked perplexed as the woman kept yelling about how I could talk and I was acting dumb.

"You can talk?"

"Yes, I can talk. But I really need you to listen to me, patiently, please."

The woman started to hit me again.

"Listen what? What do you have to explain?! Explain your lie?!"

The man interfered and stopped her. He asked us to sit on the couch. The woman sat next to me and I was uncomfortable. The man sat in front of me, across the table. I explained my experience from my perspective. About how I slept yesterday with a schedule to undergo the brain surgery the next day and woke up to find myself there.

I told them my thought about the situation and about the rumors. I told them about my friends that were in college and knew me.

"They were right! These experiments are really happening! I am the living proof of it!"

'Whoever and whichever organization or research facility did this to me, I will ruin them. I will expose them to the world. And that hospital! They are so done for.'

But when they called my friends, their phone numbers were found to be either incorrect or were claimed to be wrong number. I then asked them to call the collage I was studying in. But the call turned up to an electronic repair center.

'What is going on?'

I felt hot as I was tensed. I was breathing heavily.

'Where are my friends?
What happened to my college? What would happen to me if they think I am lying?'

"Admit it yourself or it will really hurt you when we will make you to confess."

The man said.

I was pale and sweating badly. I missed my home and friends badly. The woman was yelling at me and trying to hit me but was stopped by the man several times.

Then I saw a calendar hanging on the wall in front of me.


'What the-?!'

'Reincarnation, reincarnation, reincarnation......this is the only thing I can think of... But is it even possible? No... it has already happened to me now I guess. But how? And why me?'

It was hard to think straight. I needed to quickly adjust to my new surrounding and get out of that mess.

"What is there to think?! This bitch is obviously pulling this act to get a leave from school and slack off and also to gain some sympathy!"

"I am talking so why do you worry? Leave her to me."

"That is what she is trying to do! She is trying to gain your sympathy."

"It's ok, it's ok...."

"What is? What is ok? She is dragging this conversation to waste our time. A good beating will bring her back to her senses!"

"You see, she is not wrong. This drama is wasting our and your time. This isn't worth the punishment you will get."

The man continued,

"If you confess who told you to do so and why, we will reduce your punishment."

I was scared and didn't know how to get out of that mess, so I did what most would have.

"I am sorry *Sobs* I am really really sorry. I think I am crazy, *Sobs* so crazy. I think I have misunderstood something. I am able to speak too, but I don't know how."

I continued,

"My head hurts, and I am barely remembering things but I think I am hallucinating. I *Sobs* guess I need to see a doctor."

The woman rebelled against the idea, but the man asked the woman to leave and allowed me to see a doctor after having a private conversation with him.

The woman stormed out of the room leaving us two behind. The school bell had rung and the noises of chattering and footsteps had died down.

He stood from his seat and sat next to me. I was crying before to use the leniency of the man but by then I had stopped crying. But he still acted like I needed comfort.

'I thought he would out right send me to a doctor. Carbon monoxide causes terrifying memory loses and hallucinations.... should he not check it out?'

But slowly he started touching me and rubbing his hands on my legs and arm.

I immediately understood what he was trying to do and showed discomfort.

But he grabbed me tightly from both my shoulders.

© MercuryShower

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