

Dear the reader,
Your awesome, smart, positive and a great human being. I’m sure you know that, but if you don’t I know, Your always there for other. Others always love you. You’ll always be loved no matter what, You’ve got skills in life. Many skill to be discovered. Art, poetry, math, music and so much more. Your amazing and as you grow on, you’ll be more amazing. Every second of your life changes you into a better human being. You have talents. Thousands of them. Your smart. Your brain is used for millions of purposes and you always will be. Your brain is a complicated machine that only you can handle. And you are handling it right now as you this story. Your a great person. Your an amazing human and nobody can be the same as you, Your unique. Your one of a kind. Feel free to express yourself, as long as your not offending or hurting anyone. If you do, it’s ok, everybody makes mistake, I’ve made mistakes before, sometimes big mistakes. But I get past them, and you will too. You’ll always be loved, no matter what. Even at the hardest times, may love be their for you. Your never lonely, somebody would be there for you. Somebody will always. Nobody is the same as you. Your special. Your awesome. Go for your dreams. Odnt let anyone change your dreams. If you want to a cop, go for it! A medic? Sure! You have dreams, and nobody can control them. Remember your the boss of you. I’ll always be there for you. Your a great person. An amazing person.
From LeoAtSunset