

Since World War II, this world has seen Small Wars, wars that to us "mankind" are devastating, wars like Vietnam, Korean War, Desert Storm and more, but none anywhere as devastating as a World War that not only damages the earth but mankind as a whole.

Where those of you who do not want another World War, I do and it's not because I'm a War Monger, no it's because we need it to survive what's coming next.


Hello I'm Viktor Reznovski, born as Shane Rodriguez I was a kind and gentle man who grew up in a corrupted household filled with lies, betrayal and corrupted hearts'n'souls.

I wanted nothing more but to flee, and the only good thing that came from that life was taken away from me and turned me into who I am today.

I lost my wife and son in a car accident involving a drunk truck driver who only got Rehab and his CDL Revoked.

From that day, I challenged God almighty to the War of Death and I attempted to join the US Marines, Army and Air Force, when they denied me I tried International Private Contracting, after all who have denied me, one company game people like me the opportunity to prove their worth, Freelance International contracted anyone willing to fight, die and repeat for whatever contract they were given.

I not only fought for NATO and CSTO Forces, but I also fought with our Enemies, Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Russian Separatists. Not something I'm proud of, but in Private Sector it's what we do to make ends meat and is what we do to get to where we want to get too.

I am proud of who I am today, but disgusted with what I had to do to get to where I am today.

After making piece with God and doing what I needed to do and still getting screwed. I decided it would as time for change.


What lead to this change?

When I came back the first time, 2005-2008, in '08 I had a daughter then did jail time for a crime I didn't commit and plead guilty to the crime anyways so I can get back to the field.

(Labels to me is what the USA is known for because the destruction of ones life makes them money. That's what they don't want you to know)

From 2009-2013, I was in the field and in '13 I came back to have another daughter. Both my kids were taken from me because of my label, which pushed me further and further too fighting, the more I fought and the more Americans I killed, the happier I was. So I thought.

It wasn't until I came back in 2018 to be arrested because of my mother making up a false police statement and manipulating my girlfriend and mother to my daughters into making a false police statement that made me realize that it wasn't the fault of America for me being who I was, it wasn't the fault of Americans who had my kids taken away and it wasn't the American Justice Systems fault for putting a label on me, but it was my own Mother's fault.

Since I could learn how to speak, she has done everything to get her own way, telling me to admit things, telling me to say things that weren't true to design my future so I could fail.

Ever since I was young, I wanted to be a marine. Follow in my father's footsteps, become what my grandfather was like (Soviet Spetsnaz), to do more with my life all failed dreams because it was my mother who helped me form a lie so great it would label me Bipolar & label me Schizophrenic.

It wasn't till I was diagnosed with Hyperthymesia which is a disagnosis for people who can remember everything as if it was happening right now. It's a curse as much as it is a blessing. I was diagnosed with this at age 18.

When I came back in 2018 and was arrested for Assault and Battery on both my Mother and my Girlfriend, the evidence didn't add up because I wasn't even in the state the day of the alleged encounter, but yet was charged and convicted of the heinous crime.

It was then that I truly understood who's fault it truly was for the person I had become. And it was then that I understood what I needed to do.

From 2018-2022 I spent these last few years trying to clear my name and trying too get back in the field for the right reasons and no longer the wrong reasons

My country I pledged my life and integrity too is the Russian Federation and the New Soviet Republic that is trying to be formed. This is because I believe in their ideals, and my Grandparents fought for the Soviet Union and my bloodline on my mother's side goes back as far as the Russian Empire where on my father's side it goes back as far as 1770.

My life has lead me to this moment, in 2022 of May through July, I was in Ukraine fighting with Russia against the Ukrainian Scum. Killing Russian soldiers who betrayed the motherland and killing Ukrainians who fight for a Corrupted Dictator.

Those of you may not agree, but when the evidence comes to light that Ukraine has yet again started to sell plutonium, chemical warheads and many others to the buhajiem, ISIS and other terrorist countries, then maybe you'll see the light, if it never shows at least my conscious will be clean Because I know the truth where others fail to see it without being their to witness it.


How is WWIII Near ?

Since the last world war, life as we know it hasn't progressed as much as it should have, people started to slack around the world and economies are starting to plunder everywhere.

China along with others created viruses to start a Biological War on terror because we need a change. If another world war wouldn't start, maybe a Bio War will lead to a world war.

COVID-19 along with it's mutagens and now the return of Monkeypox, it's only a matter of time before a Civil War or World War breaks out.

The USA Economy is weak along with many other Superpowers. And yet instead of allowing a World War that can change our dates, we sit here and complain.

A world war nowadays would change the world without the use of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare..And who knows it may even change how we look at each other.

I am not the bringer or harbinger of death, but I do believe that the next world war will advance us to the future and bring holiness and happiness to those who survive the wrath and it we are lucky, only 2-3 Empires will be formed instead of what we have now.

My vision I had a few years ago '2020, gave me a glimpse of the future while I was praying to the Lord and that glimpse looked like this:

Federation (Canada, USA, Mexico, South America, Alaska, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Ireland, UK and Greenland).

Empire (Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Nigeria, Germany, Asia, Korea, and Surrounding Areas)

Alliance (All Colonies on Mars)

My vision was around 2076 and rather this comes true or not. It would change the course of mankind forever and if we are lucky to form a Intergalactic Federation or Alliance, that looks toward Science, War, and more in case of a Alien Attack on Sol, that would be nice. But I don't see this happening, I see my vision coming to life before this.

The change, I changed my life around so I could be the Visionary, Entrepreneur, Revolutionary and Private Sector Contractor that I am today without the need for permits or permission of the US Government.
This is who I am, This is what I Believe and if you believe that war needs to happen to better our future then welcome to the team, if you don't believe it is necessary please share your comments, I would love to hear them... Who knows maybe I am wrong?
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