

6 years old miya was about to go to bed when she wanted to do her normal ritual of telling the moon goodnight. She looked at her window and didn't find the moon "where's the moon!? She shouted. She ran down the stairs searched at the back yard" no moon " she checked the store" no moon " she jumped on her parents and their bed" no moon "she said and started crying" darling why are you crying "her mother asked her" I can't find the moon anywhere "her dad chuckled but when he got that look from his wife he stopped." darling there's still a moon. Just that ummm you won't understand it science and stuff why don't you give me a goodbye kiss and go to sleep when you wake up you'll know the moon was all there with you"miya did as she was told and went to her room "I miss you moon I don't know whether I can sleep without you but I'll try. Bye dark night" miya slept and soon fell asleep
Secret part:then the moon came to her window and smiled and said "(imagine in a deep voice) I'll never leave you miya good night" and he left.

One of those things kids imagine the moon is gone