

Magic Wizards Ep 7:Wizard A's Lair (Part 2)

Today's Read: Filled with questioning and wonders. A bit of awkwardness and uncomfortable scenes. The questioning Rege continues for Madison from the date day. Will Tanner spill another truth to her though? How will Rj deal with running into his dad with the Wizards? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Read at your own pace. Let the story continue.

Ep 7:Wizard A's Lair.

In a different part of Greenville in town, Madison and Tanner walked together. Although, she would rather be hanging with Rege(her boyfriend) right now. But he wasn't available yet again. So her end decision was with Tanner. He knew how she was feeling...kinda. Kinda because, they both were thinking different things. She wondered why he always hung out with his friends, while Tanner was thinking that she might suspect a different truth. That maybe Rege was feeling guilty for what happened in middle school and that's why he wouldn't hang out with her. Either way, their thoughts weren't the same.

"So this is nice. Right?!" He spoke.

"Oh, yeah sure." she said right after.

They continued to walk. "Well im glad you hit me up to walk with you. You're dating Rege right?" he asked already knowing.

"Yeah, i guess."

"What do you mean you guess?"

"Well...our relasonship isn't the best right now. H-he barely hangs out with me. We only communicate over the phone or texting." She said kinda down. Then sighed.

"Wow really.." he grinned kinda but looked to the ground as they walked and then back up. "So why are you still with him?"

It took a moment but Madison stopped walking a moment and turned facing him.

"Because i-i like him. And i wanna give him a chance. We've only been dating a few weeks. But how you ever felt, like you know when someone's hiding something?"

Tanner eyes narrowed. "Well..."
He took a stop too facing her thinking for a moment. Should he just tell her there on the spot? Should Madison ask Tanner if he knows something about what he's NOT thinking that she is?! They caught gaze of each other for a few seconds. Then continued to walk side by side.

Meanwhile, in another part of Greenville, the wizards were on an adventure. Set to head to Mr.Baren's job where Wizard A's Lair was told was there. But what waited them? A thought had came to Rege while they were walking.

"So, im begining to think...we're gonna fight Wizard A? Right?"

"We're gonna do what we have to, to get answers. That's it!" Rascals butted in.

"Well i hope this wotks." He was unsure and now starting to get a bit worried. But tried not to show it.

While continuing to walk Rj came across an unwelcoming presence...his dad. Seeing his dad made him jump knowing about his past. And with the others around, he wasn't sure how this would go. He was gonna hide but it was too late, he was spotted as Frank was now heading their way. Quickly, he went behind the others without saying anything.

"Hey...Rj?" he noticed him behind Quincy.

"Oh, hey dad. Almost didn't notice you there." he says awkwardly as he comes from behind Quincy. The others were confused but felt something wasn't right.

"Hey, these your friends?"

"Um, yeah this is...Rege you know him. This is Quincy."

Frank grined and the grined turned into a friendly smile. Rj looked away for a minute, hoping he would go away. Luckily, it did kinda work. But he wasn't leaving without a welcome.

"Well hey Quincy. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand to shake. Quincy looked with glaring eyes to read Rj for a few seconds then finally shook his hand.

"Yeah you too."

"Well...im not sure what you guys were up to but I'll leave you to it. Have fun."

"Thanks." Rj was glad. He couldn't express it. Frank gives him a wink and smiles. "I love you son." Then he was gone.

He watched him in disgust as he disappeared in the distant.

"Alright let's go please." Rj declared

"You ok?" Rege asked.

"Yeah. I think so." (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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