

Parallelism Luke 10:1-12

These verse was similar to the verse where Christ sent the 12 disciples found in Lk. 9:1-6, Mt. 10:5-15 and Mk. 6:7-13. But the Luke chapter was unique because it reports 72 appointed persons aside from the original 12.

They were blessed with heavenly powers and Christ assured that their names are written for eternity.

This phrase is also found in Mt. 9:37-38. Jesus regularly use the concept of "harvest" when teaching. He mentioned it on the parable of wheat and tares, Mt. 13:30 then on the parable of the seed, Mk. 4-26-29. Also, when He was talking to the Samarian woman, Jn. 4:35. He explained these in details on Mt. 13:36-43. There were 4 characters in all of these dialogues: the sowers (Son of Man, the wicked), the labourers, the Harvests (righteous and offenders) and the reapers (angels of judgement).

They were sent like lambs in the midst of wolves, a metaphor also used in Mt. 7:15 when Christ gave warning against false teachers. However, the 72 here were not wolves disguised as lambs but lambs of Christ, the Good Sheperd who will have to battle against rabid wolves of the wicked destroyer. Christ taught the disciples on how to counter the enemy- be wise as serpents but gentle as doves, Mt. 10:16. Serpents know how to maneuver whereas doves do not harm others.

Christ has given the 72 with almost the same instructions:
To preach, to bless, to warn, to heal and to exorcise. They also did not bring anything with them, rather, they stayed among Jewish households to receive any good thing they will be offered.

Apostle Paul did not oblige others to give him anything as a labourer of the gospel. Rather, he worked in order to do his mission, 1Co. 9:14. However, he also said that good ministers are worthy of such reward, 1Tm. 5:18.

Apostle Paul shook off the dust in his feet after some Jewish people on Antioch in Pisidia persecuted him and Barnabas for teaching the gospel, Ac.13:51.

Shaking off dust is done by disciples as instructed by Christ to mark those places that rejected the gospel at the time. They will experience the wrath of God in the last days which is more frightening than Sodom and Gomorrah, Gn. 19:24. These cities were utterly destroyed by God by brimstone band fire because of sodomy on top of other perversions. Christ also warned other cities of the same disaster, Mt. 11:20-24, Lk. 10:13-15.