The Snow Storm
The Snow Storm
By Kathleen Tonn
The Goodyear tires, with studs, made a crackling sound as the pick up truck moved down the country road. A news broadcast, on my ham radio, stated Blair's artic blast was coming my way. The strength of Blair, fueled by the up heavels in the Polar Vortex, should bring significant amounts of snow and possible ice storms. Blair's might will pound this area thought Cory. Likely bringing two feet of snow and very cold temperatures.
Normally, I'm prepared for such a weather event. I've survived Northerns before in my cabin in the Appalachian mountains. Cory wondered who named this impending storm Blair. As he turned the steering wheel, he said aloud, "Was the person remembering Blair Mountain?" It was half past four in the afternoon when he turned left on Silken Lane. Cory intended to ride out the storm at his friend's house. Mark was ok with putting Cory up for a few days.
As the young man pulled up to Mark's house, he thought about paying next...
By Kathleen Tonn
The Goodyear tires, with studs, made a crackling sound as the pick up truck moved down the country road. A news broadcast, on my ham radio, stated Blair's artic blast was coming my way. The strength of Blair, fueled by the up heavels in the Polar Vortex, should bring significant amounts of snow and possible ice storms. Blair's might will pound this area thought Cory. Likely bringing two feet of snow and very cold temperatures.
Normally, I'm prepared for such a weather event. I've survived Northerns before in my cabin in the Appalachian mountains. Cory wondered who named this impending storm Blair. As he turned the steering wheel, he said aloud, "Was the person remembering Blair Mountain?" It was half past four in the afternoon when he turned left on Silken Lane. Cory intended to ride out the storm at his friend's house. Mark was ok with putting Cory up for a few days.
As the young man pulled up to Mark's house, he thought about paying next...