

Season 2
Episode Three (rough draft)

Scene One

Three nerds are hanging out behind a defunct bowling facility. Their names are Beppo, Dic Long and Fester. They are enjoying marijuana leaf cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Beppo: Hey guys, like... um.

Beppo starts to tremble a little bit and appears to be more nerdy than usual.

Dic: Bep, you alright bruv? bit o the wet and old?

Beppo shakes it off and smiles.

Beppo: My father used to beat me a lot. About my ass and face.

Dic seems nonplussed.

Dic: Dude, I'm worried about you. I'm going to take you to see a specialist.

Beppo pulls out a sharp piece of thick mirror from his boot and throws it back and forth between his swollen hands.

Beppo: I'll kill ya!! I'm angry now for no reason!

Suddenly Beppo sneezes and then passed out, his head bounces violently against some rusty garbage cans.

Dic: Oh no! My best friend!

Fester: ... are you guys gonna pass that blunt or..?

Awesome hospital...