

Leave it or Carry it? Your Choice!
Once two monks were travelling on foot. While crossing a river they saw a woman who was crippled and was unable to swim.

She asked the monks to help her cross the river. One of the monks went to her and carried her across the river. She thanked him with all her heart.

The two monks continued their journey. After some time the other monk asked "You know we are monks right and are not allowed to touch forget about carrying a woman."

To this the other monk replied "It's you who is still carrying her, I had left her a long time back."

In life we do the same thing carry unnecessary things with us. Negative emotions, gossips, rumours, unwanted behaviour of others are like garbage. It's better to get rid of them before they harm us.

So leave it or Carry it. The choice is yours.

© Smile Alys