

Phantasm: Loss of Innocence Chapter 2
I don't much care for nature but if I have to deal with it I will without complaint. This is the 10th time this week that I've come to look at this bathroom. Somehow I'm drawn to that particular spot. The yellow substance on the floor is gathering files but the flies stick to it and can't seem to get back out. Their fragile wings are stuck in that yellow goo and you can hear them buzz furiously in frustration.
" Okay Tall Man. If you're here then show yourself. I'm going to give it to you straight I'm not afraid of you. I assure you that you're not in any trouble. I just want to ask you a few questions".
I stared in the mirror intensely. ThThe mirror shuddered slightly and tthe glass crunched and crunched sharply until the damage on the glass was gone.
A long arm lept out of the mirror to grab onto my throat but I resisted and backed up just in time to avoid being choked.
"Come here girl".
The voice was harsh and gravelly.
" No I don't think so. Where were you all this time? Watching me?I've been here nearly every day. Why the hell did you choose to come now?"
"I've been iwaiting for you. Waiting for just the right moment to destroy you".
" What would you gain from that?"
"Your mind. I could use it. Your brain could prove useful to me in the future".
" And the rest of me?"
"The rest of you will be dead so you won't have to worry about it. Death is my domain and so does the dead that come with it. They belong to me and so will you".
"I've seen worse monsters than you. You think that death is going to scare me. Life is far more frightening you should try it sometime. Living can be quite a blast if you give it a chance".
" I live far better than any of you weak humans do thank you. You're just as weak as the rest of them weak in flesh and weak in the mind. "
" If I'm so weak in the mind why do you want my brain?"
"You are wasting my time girl. Death is waiting for you".
"Death doesn't worry me. What you're doing to the people around you that concerns me. What do you know of the disappearance of John Brody".
" Brody was expendable. He is safe and well cared for don't you worry. "
"What of his family? What of the friends that wanted to say one last goodbye? Did you think maybe they wanted to be able to see him buried in peace?"
"I can give him so much more than peace I can give him purpose and power. Power which you know nothing about. He had no family to wish him well to his grave. He was an orphan by birth and he was the scum of the earth. He was a aimless drifter without a friend in the world sort of like you".
"Hey mister Long legs I'm not the scum under your boot and I'm no girl. I happen to be a woman, a very strong and mentally capable and self sufficient woman who doesn't appreciate being threatened by anybody. You think you scare me? Let me tell you, you don't scare me one bit. I've seen boogiemen who were far meaner and uglier than you. I've dealt with criminals with more tact than you have. I've met monsters with resumes better than yours.
I watch monster movies that are far more frightening. You think you're something special. You're nothing compared to the atrocites that are committed everyday. Look around you. Do you know how many
murderers have made a big bloody mess on the morning paper?
You're just small fry. So don't try to impress me".
I crossed my arms in my defiance.
There was a shade of suprise on his face. You could see his mind processing all that information.
Yes it was a insult. One long string of insults to be precise.
"You know nothing of me. You have no idea what I'm capable of. I will crush you and the rest of your race. You call me small fry. You foolish girl. You have no clue what you're dealing with. I will return and if you do not stay out of my way you will wiped from existence. Don't cross me or I shall cross you out from the very time line of the universe. "
At that he slid back into the mirror and he left me.
" Good talk, good talk.Thank you so much for your time. Have a great day! Stay out of your way! Not a chance. I'm going to track you down even if it kills me. I am determined to unmask this crook. I have my heart set on this mission and I know I'm not going to fail. This case is going to be cracked. I am just the woman to crack it. Stand aside old man you're going to see what I'm really capable of. You think I'm weak well just you wait. You may find that you're the one who doesn't know who you're dealing with. You think you're tough. I'm a tough nut to crush. Killing me maybe not as easy as you might think. Watch out Tall Man! Watch your step. I'm coming up behind you and I'll be right on your trail. Just you wait".