

Lost Childhood 32
When he awoke the next morning, he checked on his room service order he placed for breakfast. He took another quick shower before it arrived and checked again to see what time his first appointment was for the day. It would take him at least two hours to get to the house of the team he was visiting. He called so that they would be expecting him but no one was answering the phone. He made a mental note that a business cannot thrive without public contact. This morning’s meeting may take longer than he expected. It appeared that this team was not taking their job seriously. He would not make any hasty judgments until he had enough time to evaluate every aspect of the situation. After all he was going to a very remote part of the country and maybe telephone service was not the best. He would try to contact the team once he got a little closer to his destination.

He finished eating, got dressed, and headed to the parking garage. Mexico was not that far; it was just a bridge’s crossing away from the hotel he was staying. Most of his travel would occur once he cleared the border. Another thing that also had to be taken care of was what Jorge referred to as “insurance”; this was something he would take care of once he crossed the border. He never entered into unfamiliar territory without knowing he could protect himself just in case something occurred. There had never been a time when Jorge had had to use the “extra protection” but it was always an investment he had no problem making “just in case”. He would discreetly dispose of it once he finished his business in Mexico; this part of the business was Jorge’s least favorite but he had been trained that it was “a necessity” in his line of work. Everyone could definitely not be trusted although it was a business, he was told that sometimes things got “a little messy”, and there was “only one way to clean it up”.

Jorge’s connection would be made once he had gotten further into Mexico. He was told that Pedro was very reliable and had a clean inventory with a wide variety of weapons. He didn’t need anything fancy; he just needed something “to get the job done”. The guy he was meeting operated his business from his home which put Jorge a little on edge but he trusted his source so he was more relaxed than usual because he wasn’t going in completely blind. That is what he liked about working with Andres he always had Jorge’s back and crossed all his “t’s” and dotted every “i”; he could always count on him.
Pedro’s house was in a really remote area of the country, quietly hidden and secluded off any main roads. If Jorge had not been given specific directions , he would have never found it.

When he pulled up to the house, he immediately began to hear dogs barking. He patiently waited for someone to approach his vehicle; it was only then that he unlocked and opened his door. He returned both his hands to the steering wheel where they could visibly be seen and waited for permission before exiting the vehicle. He had made it a point to study and memorize every step of the instructions given him so that he didn’t have to take any written notes with him just in case the steps of his mission got compromised in any way. Jorge was always thorough that is why Andres liked him an it also made him good at his job. After the men at Pedro’s compound had cleared Jorge and his vehicle he was granted permission to exit his vehicle.

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