

Dear Story,
(Warning: sensitive material about childhood and adulthood trauma, a prolouge to a book in my mind.)

Apparently, being violent in a place you can't escape with your mental abuser looming over you, downgrading you, and treating you like a leashed animal is considered domestic abuse. There is no proof to show the damage except your existence and anger cause you don't prepare a script for a video, and if you did the world would understand why you wish you had a therapist. They think they can get away with it because they give you a bed, free food, free internet, and all the requirements of a parent. They expect you to do their tasks of doing chores every night, getting up at 7am, looking for jobs, walking outside travels whilst following them, cleaning the room, doing laundry, and I understand it is the bare minimum of a child to do those things, which isn't the difficult part for you, but one thing that is missing and forgotten is your mind. Where is your therapist when you need one? Cause everyone here seems to ignore the room and the fact that maybe there could be a better approach to ask you to do stuff when you are getting the low feelings of depression or wanting to punch a wall. You're tired of hearing that they're not trying to be mean because somedays it feels like they're trying to be mean, apologizing for no reason without trying to understand your soul they hurt. They don't understand mentality is a thing that exists and if they don't respect it, they are not helping the mentally ill person, they are just make things worse by pushing a invisible leash upon your neck, shoving you into a pit of things you didn't ask for that isn't organized or well put out even by the world itself, making you confused and helpless when you don't want to be a burden. The worst part is when they say that you're being lazy when you have your reasons or that a chart will make you feel accomplished when you're just doing it to so they will stop shouting at you, clapping at you like souless people do to animals. Yknow some dogs and cats get scared or lash out in rage with the same violent mentality because that's not a respectful way to treat any soul, in regards to you as a child at a young age force to develop that trauma as you grew older, and then they wonder why you got violent or why you act distant and grumpy, claiming it as domestic abuse which defines as the abuser is being violent to be controlling over the relationship/family (abusee), usually by someone who desires control and manipulation for their enjoyment when what happened with you was more of defense because you feel trapped by your mental abuser who's narcissistically manipulative and standing in the path of your escape, trying to get a reaction out of you for doing something they disliked when you tried to make it right by finishing the task. The narcissistic abuser was ignorant torwards your emotional/mental overall being before you snapped and they didn't do anything about it except say wrongful stuff about you out loud in a tone that says none of your emotions/mentality matters cause eventually the violent person will calm down, and be subjective to the chains of having to finish the task you are subjected to, as if the narcissistic abuser did no such wrong staring daggers upon your soul disrespectfully, shouting at you whilst you were correcting your wrong, and the worst part is they got you on video, but everything they did is hidden in the shadows with the family playing false witnesses whilst you will always remember for your life.
Or is mentality okay to be chronically misunderstood and all is an illusion?

© Written Dreammares