

My story
Believe me when I say I know
how it feels to be lost, struggling and not know where my next meal might come from, or where I'm gonna lay my head at tonight.
The feeling of being so down and out that I needed the most basic things that we take for granted like food, a bed, and clean clothes.
Instead of talking about helping other people, I would be the one that done the helping, hoping to give back.
And one day, I will finally make my way out of this darkness.
I'm discovering how to start loving and I'm starting to figure things out slowly but surely.
It ain’t fast and it sure ain’t easy..
But I’m thankful for my hell, each day and all the bad stuff that happened forges my strength so that I could fight the fires of my life.
All those things is what drove me to never give up, never stay down, and most importantly, never settle for less than what I want and deserve.
Let me tell you, it would have been so much easier to just quit and be okay with it.
But that’s not who I am or will ever be.
I havevdreams, goals and desires that I promised myself to always go after.
So that’s what I'm doing,
relentlessly, tirelessly and bravely. I hope!
There's a lot of hard days and I keep fucking up, but I know that this life is a journey, not a fucking race.
My dreams don’t have an expiration, I still got time.
As long as I believe in myself and know that there’s nothing I can’t or won't get through..
I'll be okay.
So, I’m still taking it one day at a time.
There’ll be a day when I finally reach that place where I’ve worked so hard to be and that’s when I’ll stop, take a deep breath and just enjoy it, breathe it all in for a moment.
Then, I’ll turn around and find someone else who is where I once was, just struggling and trying to make their way.
I’ll reach out my hand and help them too.
Together..we can rise.
That’s my promise to myself.
I'ts a promise that I fully intend to keep.
Really It’s something we can all do for each other.
This is my story..
Maybe it can be yours too.
© kristy ellison flake