

I fear of many things, Just like you. Right now every corner of the world is into the pot of pandemic. Some are struggling while some are fighting. Some are facing it boldly while some are fearing it being panicked.

Many of you could be facing panic attacks. I may not be sure of what are the reasons behind but I'm sure you are definitely going to be fine completely.
You only have to deal with your heart,Brain and thoughts, To let your fears run away.

You may not be able to control your feelings or the situations right away but with little mindfulness and practice, You can reduce your fears with some regular measures. You can handle yourself better during the pandemic just like every time you do, Preventing yourself from your panic attacks.

*What can you do to handle your fears ?*
First identify what are your fears and their causes. If you can't understand or figure out what exactly is the fear of then simply follow the below mentioned points and you could be hopefully able to control yourself to help you feel better. If not with all, Atleast with one point, You could manage your panic attacks.

_1. Close your eyes,Stop thinking and take a deep breath_
_2. Practice meditating frequently as per your convenience to put yourself at peace._
_3. Start excercising to tackle your stress and frustration and divert your thoughts._
_4. Go to a place that gives you best feeling. If that's not possible, Think of things that make you feel better._
_5. Talk to people. Communication can be a miracle._

The purpose of following any point is just one reason and that's
"Diverting your thoughts and mind."
Try as hard as possible to think of positive and peaceful things.

© TheUncoveredThoughts