

Firework Display.
Its better when the silence hits. So far there's been three cluster bombs and 3 hours of artillery roar chewing at the peace, that tires of hanging on to the scafold of the airs stagnation. though it just keeps on moving. Every now and then you'd hear a groan, whimper of weak attempts to escape, along with scratches from below the rubble. When day breaks, the toddlers break out too; climbing and scaling the walls, now brought down from the 20 story building that used to tower them. I guess fun begets fun. I'm sure thats what they think they're sending. Or they're at least having loads of fun when dropping them. I wonder if they've got a live feed for their firework display. God only knows what their news is covering. They're surely enjoying the now voiceless husks coming from the ripped vocal chords of freshly dismembered civilians. Screaming, not from pain, but sheer shock of sleeping one minute, to waking up, only being able to move their eyeballs, seeing a femur sticking out of a pound of flesh that looks gnawed on and greened.

© Haiych