

The Oracle pt. 6
Drae had been planning the perfect execution of her plan for years, maybe even the very moment she'd been forced to accept, the immortal witch, as her new mother. The position, as far as her father had been concerned, was vacate for far too. She knew it hadn't been out of heartsick loneliness, or a need to be loved, that'd walked the two down the aisle. Her father had simply grown tired of the duty of fatherhood. Specifically in dealing with Drae and her visions. He'd wanted a wife, to resume the responsibilities of his children, despite the boys being only infants at the time.
Drae sat up, resolute. She reached toward the small side table next to the bed and opened up the single drawer. She swept aside the miscellaneous junk and found the small finger-sized hole that opened the false bottom in the drawer. The drawer had been made with magic; her finger, and her's alone, was the key to it's secrets. Drae reached her hand inside her special hiding place and retrieved her prize. It was the rarest item in the Universe, worth more than both her arms and legs, but not impossible to procure. Especially not for a Pierce. The Ambrose Blade.
It was the only thing in this world, or all the others, that could bring down an immortal. She turned the freshly polished steel over in her hand, admiring the intricacies of perfect craftsmenship. Magnificent. Drae placed the blade carefully on the sidetable and went straight to preparation mode. Big night ahead, not time to waste. Not anymore.
She slipped into something all black and comfortable, talking her way through her butterflied nervous. She was at war with her shade, unable to decide what was wrong, what was right? What was justice? Should she? Could she? Will she?
Drae stood in the frame of the mirror that hung in her closet door. She looked like a menacing shadow, like she was now the predator. She soothed her shade with thoughts of revenge, of justice, for the hurt she had been made to suffer all those years. 'It' not just about Minerva anymore,' she convinced herself, righteously. 'It's about her whole damned species at this point.'
The immortals, despite how their powers had been diminished, still ran the Universe like their own personal toy box. They stepped in and out of worlds, infecting them with their poisoned influenced, then left due to indifference, a lack of responsibility, or worse, boredom. Drae's head had been filled with the Sight of their destruction her entire life; of lands, kingdoms, worlds, falling prey to the hands of those that had promised their protection. Enough was enough. Something had to be done. An example had to be made. The denizens of the Universe needed to know that even immortals can die.

To be concluded... thanks for reading!


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© LaKeisha Hart