

Simple Diary of Mine
Second Page

Weird thing just happened to me. The first thing is, after I finished writing my first page on my diary, I walked downstairs to get some of a fresh drink for myself but suddenly, the stairs just broke and I fell down. The moment I woke up, I'm already in a strange forest. I thought I was only dreaming but it wasn't. I started to panicked and keep thinking that I'm away from home.

The second thing is, the diary is beside me. I picked it up and read my grandmother's letter again, it calmed me down, take a deep breathe and relax my thoughts. I walked around sightseeing the surroundings. I kept walking for an hour I think, I never see anyone except this rusty old house in the middle of the forest.

I walked closer and knock but no one is answering. So I tried calling but still no answers. I excuse myself by entering the house, the door was easy to open and the house is simple and beautiful, well except from all the dust and the holes. I go upstairs and it has two rooms, the one has the bed while the other one has many cleaning tools to use.

After a while, I planned to live here and started cleaning the house. The back of the house has a garden area, I'm planning to plant some vegetables and fruits there. I'm exhausted from all that work but it's worth it, atleast now I have a place to live in this strange place. The house has now an owner and I think I'll get used to it.

End of the Second Page
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