

The Confession
23 Dec 2023 at 6:54AM

Chapter 3: Seduction

Mike startlingly was awakened by the sound of running water.
He was confused for a moment, but then he remembered that Lisa must still be here.
As he headed to the bathroom, he saw the light from the open door casting a faint glow into the bedroom.
Lisa was sitting at the foot of the bed.

Her hair was still wet from the bath and fell over her shoulders like a golden waterfall.
She wore a pure transparent nightgown, exposing her milky breasts and pink nipples.
In the moonlight, she looked almost ethereal, like a goddess.
Mike felt a mixture of fear and desire.

He couldn’t believe this is real.
It must be a dream, caused by his own fantasies and guilt.
When Lisa looked at him with her deep blue eyes, he felt her presence and her warmth and knew that this was actually happening.

For a long time, they just stared at each other in silence.
Lisa's face was expressionless, but Mike could feel the tension between them.
He didn’t dare to speak or move, afraid of what would happen.
The air in the room was filled with such intensity that it was difficult for him to breathe.

Finally, Lisa broke the silence. “Mike,” she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Do you love me?”
Mike's heart raced at her words.
Of course he loved her more than anything.
But he didn’t dare say it out loud.
He was worried about what Lisa would think or do.
He was afraid of his own feelings, and the truth that he could no longer deny.

But looking into her misty blue eyes, he knew he wouldn't lie to her.
So he answered in a trembling voice, "Of course...of course I do, Lisa."
She continued to stare at him without saying.
For a moment, Mike feared that she would be angry or disappointed.
But then she spoke again, her voice soft and gentle.

"Do you love me?" she asked, studying him with her eyes.
Mike hesitates. He knew Lisa was probably just wanted his honesty.
So he looked her in the eyes and told her the truth.
"Yes, Lisa," he said, his voice sincere and full of emotion.
"I love you more."

For a moment, Lisa looked away, and hid her emotions behind a veil.
Mike was anxious that he would say the wrong thing and it would ruin their friendship.
But then she looked back at him and smiled.

"You know, Mike," she said, her voice barely audible.
"You’re the only person I trust to truly love me. I can’t trust anyone else, especially after what Tim did. But I can trust you."
Mike was struck by her words, her vulnerability, and her trust in him.
Before he could react, Lisa started crawling towards him.
It was cat-like, inviting and seductive, and Mike felt his heart flutter.

She reached him and sat back, straddling his legs through the sheets.
As she looked into her own lust-filled eyes, Mike found himself seduced by the woman he had loved for so long.

To be continued...

© angela23