Life Quiz (Answers Part 2)
Q11. How you have fallen in love? (Choose the suitable option for the question)
(a) Love at first sight
(b) In school, highschool, college or university
(c) At office & company
(d) At function, party,club
Answer according to me the right answer will be: (a)
Q12. What type of kiss you want from your lover? (Choose the suitable option for the question)
(a) Passionate kiss
(b) By sucking his/ her lower lip...
(c) In his/ her mouth playing your tongue together...
(d) Just a soft kiss on his/ her cheeks.
Answer according to me the right answer will be: (d)
Q13. What type of love you want from your lover? (Choose the option)
(a) Cute & sweet love
(b) toxic & manipulative type of love
Q11. How you have fallen in love? (Choose the suitable option for the question)
(a) Love at first sight
(b) In school, highschool, college or university
(c) At office & company
(d) At function, party,club
Answer according to me the right answer will be: (a)
Q12. What type of kiss you want from your lover? (Choose the suitable option for the question)
(a) Passionate kiss
(b) By sucking his/ her lower lip...
(c) In his/ her mouth playing your tongue together...
(d) Just a soft kiss on his/ her cheeks.
Answer according to me the right answer will be: (d)
Q13. What type of love you want from your lover? (Choose the option)
(a) Cute & sweet love
(b) toxic & manipulative type of love