

Hi ! My name is Ariana . I lived and grew up in US. I had a brother named Luke and I lived with my parents. When I was born , my mother was very delighted to see my at the first time , but my dad didn't seemed that much delightful.

My story begins , when I was 19 years old . I was a very silent kid . I rarely speak anything . I was a very silent and disappointed girl in the college. Everyone wanted to ask me , why I acted that way ... but I usually don't respond them . And by the time passed by , it becomed normal for me and others .

So one day , there was huge National Dance Competition coming up in my college . I really wanted to participate in it . But I never danced and singed before . And I also didn't made any friends before . So , my teacher came up to me , and asked me - " Hey Ariana . I wanted to ask you something . Can I get a moment from you ? " I replied - "Sure Miss Ellison ... What is it ? . Miss Elisson said - "As you know , there is a big National Dance Competition coming up . So I really wanted you to participate in it , I know you haven't done this before ... but we have very less students in our competition , so we really need one more to complete the team . So , would you like to join us ?? " I hesitantly replied - " I am sorry Miss , but I am not allowed to do such things in my family . I am glad you asked for , but I really can't. I am sorry again ."
I said this much and ran away crying in silence . But Miss Ellison saw the tears on my eyes .

The next day I thought about the Dance competition, I was really very much interested in that .. but I knew my parents wouldn't allow me to do this . But though , I went to talk to them about this . My dad was busy talking on phone call about his Buisness . But , when he saw me he hung up the call . Honestly, I was really very nervous to talk to him everytime . I said to him - "I am sorry to interrupt you dad , but i need to talk to you about something . Can u please give your some time to me ??"
He made a serious angry look and replied - "What caused you to interrupt me in such a precious time of mines ? Speak up fast . I finally splilled it out - "Actually Dad , there is a National Dance Competition coming up in our college , so I really wanted to participate in it . I know , this is not allowed in our family ... but can i please do it ? I swear dad this would be my last time .... please dad say yes . If I won the competition, I can get to dance with the celebrities. Please dad ...!!??
Then , at that moment , first time I saw my dad that much furious on me . He screamed - "What do you mean by that!?? When you know this is not allowed in our family to dance , to sing, to make friends and to leave anywhere without permission isn't allowed in our family , though you are questioning that stupid talk !!! In our family girls only study ! and then they get married !!!! You stupid girl , don't make me more furious . Now go and study in your room !!!!!! "

I was very terrified listening those harsh words from my dad . I ran crying into my room , and slammed the door as hard as possible . Honestly , I was very good at studying . I always did my best in it . But i never had been appreciated for it . Instead, my brother got that appreciation every time , though he didn't study much and was busy playing Video games all day . Whenever I tried to talk to him , he always behaved rudely with me and never treated me like his sister . I was devastated with my family!!

So , One day my mom caught me crying in my room . So she came to me and hugged me . I can saw those tears in her face . She said to me - " I am so sorry sweetheart, for that behavior from your dad . Honestly - I must say , you should fight for your right . And you shouldn't stay calm for this . Girls can do anything, and they can be anything !! You shouldn't forget this in your life . Understood !?" I gave a warm smile to my mum and hugged her after that .

Next night , my parents were going to the huge party . And unfortunately, while going on their way , my parents had an accident . My father got saved because he worn seat belts . But my mother passed away in that accident . After that day I was not able to digest this . My father treated my very badly , and the situation was getting worse day by day .

So , One night I ran away from my house with taking all my things and especially my mother's picture. I sat down in a bench in a very lonely way . And I was crying terribly . Just then , I felt someone's touch on my shoulders . When I moved back , it was Miss Ellison . She sid to me - "I know everything about you Ariana . I even know that why you ran away from your house" . I was shocked to listen that , and then I asked - "How do you know that?" Miss Ellison replied - Your mom told me everything about you and your dad . And also , she has given you as my responsibility for my whole life . Now come with me at my house . " I hugged Miss Ellison and went with her .

My father didn't cared that I left the house, but my brother Luke was tensed for me . He missed me . And so , One day he came running to me while I was at the market with Miss Ellison . He yelled - "Ariana !!! Ariana !! " and then he hugged me tight . I pushed him away back . I said - "What are you doing Luke !? I am not your sister anymore . Don't try to follow me . "
Luke said crying - "I am sorry Ariana , I am hundred time sorry ! Please forgive me . I know I dont deserved to be forgived after what I did , but please forgive me . I miss you so much ... please let's go home back . " He was begging me like a beggar. And hearing those words from Luke made me cry . I hugged Luke and we both cried aloud .

After all , we reached my home with Miss Ellison . Seeing me , dad got very furious . He yelled at Luke . Dad - "How dare you Luke left the home searching her !!" Luke replied - " I am sorry dad , but after what you did to my sister , isn't acceptable at all . You have to apologize her for everything ." After this , dad ended the conversation and left the home without saying a word . I said to Miss Ellison- Miss Ellison , I don't know what to say . But you are great..... you really treated me like your own daughter. And I am very thankful to you for that . And then after that day , Miss Ellison adopted me and Luke . And then , we lived happily for ages !! .



- by Jasmine Raghtate

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