

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. I looked around to see if there's a hole, window, a door any escape but it was all worthless.
The footsteps approached closer and closer. Just to save myself I tried to hide beneath a chair, I clutched my mouth tightly with both hands. It was a dark scary night, outside it rained with thunderstorm. Everything was scary and with each passing moment my heart rate increased. The footsteps were getting louder and louder and then suddenly a deafening silence. I shut my eyes tight hoping whatever it was would go away. But when I opened eyes there he was, laughing a devilish laugh. I screamed at the top of my voice, cried for help but it was all futile. He picked me up easily, with all my strength I tried to fight. He cornered me by the window and began touching me inappropriately. Took my hand to his thing and I cried uncontrollably. "Don't cry in a few moments you are about to discover immense pleasure" he said with a wicked smile. Don't know how or when I gathered courage, kicked him hard between his legs he screamed in pain and I yelled in his face "this is the only pleasure you deserve". Listening to his screams people began to gather, my heart heaved a sigh of relief at this sight. He was taken away with his head hanging low, I walked out of there with my head held high.
© Shruti Alex