

In about a month ago, there was this banner on my way to work that caught my attention. It looked like any other banner that can be found in any part of town and the information it presented to the world was on food, the delicacies of the traditional foods in this part of the globe and the nutritional value that made it unique on the shelves of supermarkets and the roadside. It size was that of a miniature wall and the message was as visible to the ordinary eye.

All pedestrians passed it by on daily basis, my curiosity centred on the taughts and imaginations of its creaters. The pictures were beautifully created to the extent that, you needed little reading to appreciate the message and the efforts of the advertisement. Having been satisfied by what we saw, we went looking for the actual material. On different occasions, our conclusions were different. Perhaps the environment served as an influence as many of the products were more catching than the rest....