

Warriors Journey•Rise of the Demon part 2
chapter 2- King of Malema

"Royal Island is very much alive. It may not have emotions and a mentally functioning brain, but it's still alive. Awake. Existing". King Polo said. He had been starring at the sunset that lied over the clam ocean.

The words of wisdom spill out of his mouth again." This island…this planet radiates magic. It is the planet that provides my magic power. It gives the biggest creatures, and the tiniest of plants…" He uses his staff as if a hand and touches a rose that was near him. As gentle as the wind, he played with the pedals of the fully bloomed rose"… the power of magic. Most importantly". King Polo turns around to look at Ben." Most importantly, magically gives existence to nature. Magic gives them the power to be alive."

Ben writes the words of The King down in his journal that he borrowed from Dr. Gemm.
King Polo speaks " Boy. We have a library of vast knowledge. You have no need to write this down".
The pure joy that was frozen onto Ben's face made even King Polo, happy. King Polo walked up the dirt path that leads back to The Kings Castle." Well boy. You yearn for knowledge, You will be provided with knowledge".

Ben follows the King up the hill that leads to The Castle. As they walked Ben noticed that he had only seen a few creatures on the island." Maybe they just don't know me. Or maybe they're scared of newcomers", Ben thinks to himself. He tried to think of a possibility that made sense. Then King Polo speaks up, " The creatures will not show themselves until you, yourself have accepted them as apart of your life".

Ben was shocked that The King knew what he was thinking, but not totally surprised. " How-how do I accept them?" Ben said nervously. Polo waited for just a second, then answered. " The creatures are gifted with magic. They're born with it and they don't realize it but they use it their whole life. For you to see them you must use magic. You have to accept magic into your life to accept the animals that you want in your life".

Ben understood what his goal was now. Previously it was to learn the Laws of Nature. But he wanted to work with and for animals and creatures. The Laws of Nature will push him in that general direction. Although he was frightened of magic and its properties, he needed to use his fear to protect others that lived in fear.
Ben speaks with confidence as they neared the Castle." I understand King, I must accept magic and work with it. My goal has changed since I've been with you. At first, I was scared to try something new, to try magic, but now I want to help others, to help the creatures ".

King Polo smiles without turning around. He got his pupil to change his belief and control emotions." Very ambitious Ben. I'm proud". Although Ben still had fear deep down, as soon as he heard the words of The King… everything disappeared. He felt like a bird, no worries, no fears. He wanted to keep this feeling, but eventually, it would fade.

They reached the castle and pebbled ground. King Polo walked into, what seemed like an open entrance but Ben didn't see the portcullis that rested directly above the entrance. As they walked through the entrance, a large library was revealed. It was dark besides the candlelit torch holders. The torch holders cast a lite glow onto the bookshelves.

There were at least five bookshelves that reach halfway down the room. Each shelf held hundreds of books.
Ben thought to himself," This must be the knowledge that the rest of the world doesn't have access to. I wonder why?"

King Polo reaches out his arm and glides his hand across dozens of books, cleansing the books of dust that had been accumulating over tens of years. As if a reflex, King Polo stops and pulls out a green-covered book. He held it in both hands, leaning his staff on the dust-covered shelf. He leans in and blows off the dust, revealing the words,' Laws of Nature', written in gold.

Polo smiles as he runs his hand over the cover of the book. "Here". The King hands the green and gold book over to Ben who stood too far for his arm to reach. " This book is my life's work. My life achievement. It's the only copy on the planet, and it's yours. Study it well, Ben".

Ben with his mouth open and his head in awe, says," Than-Thank you". He cleared his throat. " Thank you. King".

The book, heavy in his hands, heavier in his heart.

Ben's goal was to learn the Laws of Nature under King Polo. He wanted knowledge and peace. This book would enlighten him and the world. Now that his goal would be accomplished soon, he needed another. " King Polo. I- This is the single best gift I've ever received". King Polo speaks for him," But". Ben starts again." But, what will I do next? After I read the Laws of Nature?" Ben needed guidance and King Polo sensed it.

King Polo smiles. " I understand that the Laws of Nature will see you in the direction of helping creatures. But casting magic into your life will be difficult…". King Polo seemed to think for a second." Adventure. If you join the demon guard and learn magic and interlock with its fundamentals then your goal of helping the creatures will be unlocked".

Ben didn't judge the King's ideas. He was skeptical but not worrisome. He entrusted his life and future with the King.

King Polo started to walk out of the terribly lit room. Now almost completely dark outside, they walk to another part of the island away from the castle." You need to meet someone who's gonna be a big help in the next chapter of your life. Hopefully, he helps".
"Why wouldn't he?" Ben asks innocently.
" Some people, although very few, are independent people who don't like or don't like to help others. It's just his personality. He's like that because his goal in life is too advanced, even for him".
Ben didn't ask any more about this person.

Ben holds the book in one hand on his side." Where are we going?"
King Polo answers," You are familiar with the Demon Gaurd, aren't you?"
Ben shook his head no.
" The Demon Gaurd once called the Royal Army, is an organization of the royal family. Its purpose is to defend the planet and it's people, from demons".
" Demons!?" Ben interrupted.
King Polo stops and turns around.
" Your father has never told you of Demons? My, my. His brilliance matches his stupidity greatly. He expects me to teach you everything magic related? My goodness".

King Polo found a rock on the side of the dirt-covered path. As the golden hue of the sun disappeared, darkness set in.
" Sit my dear boy ", King Polo says with a sigh.
So Ben does. He sat on the rock that lay directly in front of King Polo.
" Let me tell you a story. There once was a king named, Roku. We like to call him King Roku. Now, King Roku was so advanced as a child that he single-handedly solved the food shortage predicament that his village had. Back then this was the only village of Malema. 100,000 years ago. The townspeople were so proud and astonished at Roku that they made him king. At the simple age of 12, Roku became the king of the entire planet. If we fast forward two thousand years, we'll get to the point where King Roku earned his powers".
Ben interrupts," Powers? Like magic?"
" Yes, there are currently three forms of magic. Jiko magic, magic earned from within or given to you by the planet an island or someone who already has magic. This is normally how Rulers earn their abilities. Legendary magic, magic from the purest of creatures and plants. Normally found in dragons. Satanic magic, magic from demons and Dragos".
Ben interrupts again," what's a Drago?"
" A Drago is a demonic version of a dragon. Equally as powerful half as pure".
Ben apologizes," sorry. Continue about King Roku".
" Where was I? Oh. Yes. King Roku earned his power via Jiko magic. He and his soul were so interconnected with plants and Malema that he sprouted Botanokinesis, the power to control and Manipulate plants. This was the first time in Malema's history that magic was seen. But with power comes evil. King Roku's power created the two other magic's, legendary and satanic. With legendary magic came creatures strong enough to take even me on. With Satanic magic came demons, Dragos etcetera. That's the story of demons and magic".

Ben had no real response. He had gotten used to hearing crazy things every day since he met King Polo." That's extraordinary. I didn't know that there were three types of magic. I didn't know that King Roku sprouted magic out of thin air". Ben pauses and looks at King Polo." Are there…still demons around today?"
Polo grips his staff tight. Inside the great concern. He was scared and intimidated. The Satanic magic had grown strong beyond even legendary magic.
" Of course not", Polo says hiding his fear. He lied, he needed to lie so that Ben could finish his training, not shadowed by fear before they came back. Before he came back. King Polo had a greater purpose than enlightenment. He needed Ben to save the planet, to save the universe.
King Polo jumps off the, now cold, rock and starts to walk the path again. " We're on a mission, Ben. Let us go", King Polo says.

They continued down the path to met the man that King Polo was talking about. They were now completely surrounded in darkness. But Ben liked it. He enjoyed the darkness because it was as if a blanket to him. Then King Polo said," Ben. We're here". He points ahead.

Similar to the library, large torches stood out of the ground, lighting the surrounding area. The torches were placed in a circle that light the dirt floor. Dozens of Demon Gaurd members, dressed in all black, trained with real steel swords inside the circle of torches. The vlashing if metals deafen the ears.

King Polo speaks out," This is the training grounds, Ben". They walk through the sparing and crowds of yelling members to the far end of the enormous circle. They made their way to a gray tent that had two flaps for easy entering. Polo used his staff to move the cloth to one side, allowing them to enter. Inside was a table, a chest and a line of swords and weapons. Ben assumed they were extras, just in case.
The table was empty which seemed odd. All these people and no one is supervising them.
Then Ben heard a voice from behind. Loud, strong, he could tell the man was a brave soldier.

" Father", the voice spoke. Ben and King Polo both turn around. He was dressed in grey and white cloth. He couldn't completely identify it. He had a golden spaulder that covered his shoulder and part of his bicep. What also made him stand out was a white kilt like fabric that wrapped around his waist.

" Kenshi, this is Ben. Its Dr. Gemm's boy and he's come all the way from the MalX desert to study under me. I've gifted him the Laws of Na-" before King Polo could finish his introduction, Kenshi, King Polo's son, interrupts him.
" The Laws of Nature!? Father you know that's mine. You gave your word that I'd inherit your life's work. Instead, you give it to this slug of a person".
Ben didn't understand why Kenshi was so mean and angry. He understood that he should inherit the Laws of Nature but he could have handled the situation differently.
Then Ben noticed that King Polo and Kenshi both didn't say a word. They just stared at each other. For about ten more seconds this went on. And then King Polo suddenly spoke. " Kenshi, this is your new student. You will teach him as if your own. Teach him as if the universe depends on it".