

kashmiris are suffering terribly 😭😭BRUTAL OPPRESSion.
Kashmiris have survived ‎without ‎having ‎a ‎single ‎network ‎bar ‎on ‎our ‎cell ‎phones for three months ‎. ‏our ‎ phones ‎galleries ‎are ‎been ‎checked ‎by ‎troops ‎
everyday troops ‎openly ‎fire ‎on ‎innocents and mother loses her son, sister her brother, children their father.
‏on ‎8pm markets shut, ‏and any youth after ‎8 ‏am found on roads is being detained under the charge of being involved in terrorist activities.
‏schools ‎are ‎closed ‎from ‎august ‎2019 ‏.
What would be future of innocent children?
Everyday houses are being teared to dust in few seconds..
Our social media accounts are being monitored. Don't we have right to speak, don't we have right of liberty and life?
‏ ‏In ‎this ‎so ‎called ‎democratic ‎and ‎ modern ‎era ‎where aren't we getting our rights
Paradise on earth _Kashmir is now all about raps, loots Encounters, tyranny, murders,tortures, snatched mobile networks and internet, .
PhD holders are sitting idle at homes, as they aren't getting jobs..
Now point comes to stone pelting and taking guns,
Youth are being forced to do so as they aren't getting their rights, their liberty is being snatched.,
So what could they do without this to seek their rights, to protect their sister,to protect future of innocent children, to give half mothers relief ? Have you any answer?
‎ could ‎you ‎survive ‎under ‎these ‎terrrible ‎circumstances ‎? ‏
‏y ‎arent ‎we ‎getting ‎our ‎ rights ‎? ‏
‏ ‏aren't ‎we ‎humans? ‎😭
😭😭‎© ‏Mmasrat riyaz