

" The Goons "
It was raining heavily, the street light had gone off and I was returning from school and that day I couldn't find any auto because of the rain. So decided to go by bus. After getting of the bus I noticed that it was still raining. I took out the umbrella from my bag and went to the place where the autos were to be found. I stood there for about five minutes. I saw an old lady standing at some distance, and two men were standing near her. One of the men took the vegitable bag from the lady's hand and threw it on the ground. I looked there was no one to help her. I thought that I should go there once. Then I stopped because it is not right to speak to someone else matter. I was just thinking about that lady. Suddenly a men pushes the lady and she fell down. And both of the men start laughing. I get angry seeing this and I start going towards where those people were standing. Until I reached there they pushed the lady and she fell once again. I ran over there and helped him in getting up. Then I ask her -" Are you okay?" Then she looks at me and says -" yes beta". Then a voice comes"budhiya, give me the diamond ring you have, so we will leave you".
It was the voice of one of them. By now I knew that they are thieves and they will nolet us go from here so easily so I secretly took out peeper spray from my bag. And as I had thought, these two goons come towards us and as soon as they did anything, I sprayed them. Then I saw that rope lying nearby, I quickly picked it up and with the help of, they tied those goons with a rope. dadi called the police. After some time the police came and arrested both of her. I noticed that the rain had stopped now, she thanked me and she also went to her home.

Morall - Never be afraid of difficulties just breathe and face the situation boldly.
© A_secret_diary