

Dark Night: Chapter 1
"Buzz!!", the alarm clock goes off by Jeremy's bedside table. Baffled he gets startled from sleep and looks at the time. He's alarm clock reads 3:45 AM in bold red. " stupid thing's broken its not even 8 yet," he groans to himself. He gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen for a glass of water. As he walks to the kitchen he is startled by two big glowing green eyes staring at him from the window as though they had been waiting to gaze upon him the whole time. " Oh my God it's just a cat, scram you vile vermin," he shrieks at the black cat sitting outside the window pane somewhat just blinking back at him.
He walks further to the sink and turns the tap on. Taking a sip he accidentally drops the glass he's holding as it shatters to the flow. He reaches to pick the shards on the floor as he notices a liquid coming from behind the kitchen counter. Taking a peep to the source, frightened at what he sees, right there before his eyes lays the lifeless body of his girlfriend Emily. Fear holds him in a dead freeze as he can't even make a sound.
Coming back to his senses he reaches for the phone," Hello 9-1-1, I'm in my house right now and I think my girlfriend has been murdered..." Soon he's house is swarming with police cars flashing red and blue. Disoriented, he grows pale as detectives questions him. " I don't know sir I just... I just woke up for a glass...and then...I don't know," he loses emotional stability.
"Mr Sweeney you're gonna have to come with us to the station for further questioning," the detective says in a low tone. Jeremy pleads that he had nothing to do with what's going on but to no avail. He is placed In the back of the police car and as they drive off he looks back to his house, now surrounded by yellow tape with the neighbours observing as he is being taken away, Mrs Murray shouting," I knew there was something wrong with that fella!!! I just knew it!".
© misteri