

Falling in Love with CHANGE
Falling in love with change, takes away fear,
We become open and receiving.
At the same time, we must stay in the being in love with the moment.
Falling out of regret, memories, and missed opportunities.
And now the perception shifts,
And WE see there is endless opportunities.
WE are already living them ALL,
We are All.
We make it,
It makes Us.
We are One thing with All.
The only real change we can make with having Consciousness is to see WE make the decisions.
The is Consciousness.
All of the decisions,
WE are in control.
As it is also in control of Us.
A cycle. A circle. A never ending spiral.
A continueium where worrying never occurs.
We are here to consume and give because this is the cycle of the Organism.
Organism sees All.
All things Alive things Natural.
Breath moves energy ✨

© joelletabacsko