

Snake around you!
A woman had a pet snake she loved dearly.
So when it stopped eating, she took it to the vet.
The vet asked,
Has your snake been sleeping beside you at night while snuggling real close?
The woman replied, Yes, every night, it makes me so sad that I can't help him feel better.
The vet then says to the lady "Ma'am your snake is not sick. He has been preparing to eat you and is sizing you up every night. He's not been eating so he has enough room to digest you.

Moral of the story:

Recognize all snakes around you. They're often the people you care the most about. But secretly their intentions are to devour you.

(so friends understand the situation and try to move according , as said in the story
we all are tangled up with theses type snakes in the real world,
Be Careful)

© dasari madhuri