

Love Story (Series) Daily1

"I still remember when I first saw her, you know she was perfect. She stood there with her smile. I can never forget that moment of life" I said to Greg, my close friend. As sat next to me inquiring how I'd met my true love. I was more than happy to recall and tell him our story, I'd come here in fact to meet. Where I ran into him, an hour went by and there was no response but I knew too well.

Finally my phone rang, "So I reached the café where are you" she inquired. "You know I can see you at the counter in a green dress, how about you join us" I waved at her, it took her a moment but she came and joined me and Greg. "Stacy, I'd like to introduce you to Greg, he's a very old friend of mine" I said looking at her. She turned to him and said "Pleasure to meet you Greg" I found it odd, the way she was talking to him but I trusted her. "Stacy tell me what will you have?" she just smiled, I knew what she meant by that "Greg what about you?" I asked "A Latte no suger" he replied.

I called for the waiter, "I'd like to place the order. Two cappuccinos and one Latte that's it for now ok" the waiter wrote down the order and sent it to being prepared. He mentioned to us "Sir your order will take about twenty minutes as of the crowd please feel free to call for me if you have any questions"

I looked at the both of them so "It seems you both are getting along well." after hearing this there was awkward silence for a few moments. They were talking in somewhat sign language then finally Greg spoke "Richard the both of us wanted to tell you this before. Just don't get angry" I replied "I won't but can you tell me what it is you wanted to tell me" Stacy replied "Dear, Gerg is my ex. We broke up long ago we met and I wanted to just see if you were vomited that's it. There's nothing between me and Greg ok." I replied "Ok, I know you won't lie to me." 'I hope I'm not falling for something' I said to myself.

I smiled to her and asked "What do you have in mind after coffee?" she chuckled and replied "Well we could go out, or your place even mine. You never know."

End for 2/2/20

See you next week guys hope you like the story. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know what genre you wish to read, books, poem or qoute.
Thank you for reading.

©Prince Parulekar

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