

22. Do I even want to remember
Mia's P.O.V

Luca asked me if I would like my memories back a week ago and I still haven't given him an answer.

Levin told him if he gets involved he would never be able to return to the demon world only when he's dead but he said he didn't care he'll give my memories back to me if I want him to.

I told him to give me some time and I'll get back to him. I planned on going to Dimitri's castle to give him my answer today because today is the day his brothers are leaving and they said if he goes against his father and gives me back my memories they would stay with him in the supernatural world.

I feel bad I want my memories back but I don't want him to be on his father's bad side but I guess he doesn't care and the only one who has the power to give me back my memories is him and Dominic and we all know I hate Dominic so he's my only chance of getting them back.

I went into my walk-in closet and picked out a pair of light blue high waist jeans and a red tank top and I put on a pair of red vans and put my in a ponytail then I headed straight to Dimitri's castle.

Everyone was in the den talking and laughing.

"Luca come on you got to forgive me I swear I thought it was white sugar" said Elizabeth.

Luca looked at her with an emotionless face and went back to playing a game on his phone.

"Oh thank God you're here. Can you make Luca some cookies so that he'll forgive me for using salt instead of sugar in mines" said Elizabeth.

"You use salt, how did you make that mistake?" I asked

"They are literally in the same container," she said angrily.

"Ok I understand so do you guys want cookies to"

"Yes" they all said together.

"I'm coming" with you said Luca and he followed me to the kitchen.

We were now both in the kitchen. I took out the ingredients and I decided to make red velvet, double chocolate chips and chocolate chip cookies.

"Do you want your memories back?"Luca asked, he didn't even take his eyes off his phone when he asked.

"Yes but after I baked the cookies," I said.

I started making the cookies. It didn't take me long because I have super speed. I was now putting the cookies on the baking pan.

Luca was helping me but he ate cookie dough more than he helped if I'm being honest.

"Luca," I said.

"Hmm" he answered with his mouth full of cookie dough.

"Can you stop eating the cookie dough there would be none left to make cookies if you keep that up"

He swallowed what he had left in his mouth and he took the whole bowl with the double chocolate chip cookie dough and Left the kitchen.

I told him to stop and this is what he did. Oh my goodness let me see how many double chocolate chip cookies he actually put on the baking pan. Only five he's not getting any of those five then.I was half way done when Evin walked in.

"You're spoiling him, why did you let him do that? You should've stopped him,can I have one of those" he said whilst pointing at one of the unbaked red velvet cookies.

"No, because if I give you I know Elizabeth would come next and then Flynn then Daemon and before I know it all the cookies are done before they're even baked" I said to him.

He grabbed one and ran out. I took the pans and quickly put them in the oven before Elizabeth came so she could have the leftover cookie dough.

I set the timer and I headed back to the den everyone turned and looked at me.

"What?" I said.

"What did you give Luca and Evin cookie dough but didn't bring any for us?" asked Benjamin.

"There's some leftover cookie dough in the kit" everyone teleported out before I finished speaking.

Luca came back empty handed. I guessed he didn't get to the cookie dough first.

He kicked over the coffee table and slammed himself on the couch.

"Guess you didn't get any"

"Fucking Dimitri" he said with an emotionaless expression.

"The cookies are done," said Luca.

"But the timer didn't go off," I said.

"Yeah it did," he said.

I checked the time on my watch and it was actually time for them to come out of the oven. I guess they ate all the cookies and he didn't get any, no wonder he's mad.

"Ready to get back your memories?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied.

He got up from his slouching position and he walked towards me he took both of his hands and lift my head and I was looking in his eyes and they turned red and black and I can see pictures in my head I think he's putting back my memories It's a bit painful but it's bearable pain.

All my memories we're back and I dropped to the floor and Luca sat beside me with his hands on his knees.

I cried my eyes out. I hate Dominic and I want him dead.

"I want him dead! I want him fucking dead!" I screamed.

"Shh it's ok we'll make him pay" said Luca.

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