

Nat's Plan
Nat deliberately avoid studying. She has adverse reaction to activities like - planning day to day activities, writing an essay. She prefers going out with the girls, frolicking in shadows. Like misguided missiles, she launched out a plan. "I'll convince him with an act, so true, so wise, so docile, he will have to agree. Played by my acts of submission, he'll fit perfectly into my plan. And when he agrees I'd have to be careful, so he won't suspect a thing; my coy behaviour must hold up to standard, then when he's asleep I will sneak right through the back door and enjoy my time with the girls. Hooting and dancing I'll be the most content." Satisfied with her less than stellar plans, Nat clicked into action as the sound of her father's car honked in the driveway.

Proudly and almost arrogant, Nat rearranged her hair, grinning at her reflection in the mirror. This plan has to work. But what if it doesn't? As Nat paced around her room, she felt desperate, undecided - much like a jumbled piece of puzzle. It was harmless fun wasn't it? She should be decisive. Her father, however, saw through the act. And he, tired as he was, asked her to reevaluate her plans.

Dejectedly, Nat climbed up the stairs. She unpacked her bags and hung up her clothes. Then standing at the window she thought about her future. When a pair of arms pulled her into a warm embrace, she vowed to live a productive life.
© sailabby

Photocredit: Unsplash

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