

Buckland lifestyle
every summer in Alaska we play Eskimo baseball at the airport in Buckland aladka. a lot of people enjoy playing and no matter what. if it's raining, windy or really hot weather a lot of people even play basketball out on the streets. people in my village play hide and seek in the winter cause it's dark and fun even in the summer with a two bikes and two counters to find the people that are playing. Ever year we go fishing for all kinds of fish and we also go berrypicking for salmon berries, blue berries Cran berries and black berries. also people in Buckland go swimming in the river. playing chicken or diving off of boats. people would be swimming for hours and hours we call them seals cause they sure can swim in the river for hours. And every. year our village flood during ice break up. this year in 2021 had the roads and some houses filled with water. Even boats could go in-between the houses. like literally we lost and ruined a minimum of things. it haven't flood like that in years. but after the water does down we wait for the smelts to come. boy we would sure stay up and dip net, sane and use fishing rod. smelts are good when you fry them and dry them. every year we go camping at elephant point to watch out for animals like belugas,seals, geese, and ducks to harvest through out the year. we like to do things on our own. everybody like to go hunting for caribou, moose, and some people eat bears. some dog mushers have alot of dog runners used to get wood or just run them to keep healthy.