

Meera his Emperor's lover
Meera Raddy is a 18 years old girl.
Born in luacas aries- Brahomeh, works as maid in one rich house in her town, being 1.99 tall with black hair, and eyes color blue, one can say she looks rather in skinny she's a very pretty girl, to some people they can say she's the bread winner of her family, she's the second child of me and Mrs Raddy their first child sajun is a farmer and he hardly feed the family that's when meera took the step to go work as maid in Chief saprem's house who is the second in wealth in luacas, meera has three {3} other siblings her immediate sister kylan was also a very beautiful girl, she's in her 16th and a brother varun and their last born sofia which means two males three females thy are all good looking even their mother and father aren't bad either but their status is they are poor
House of Saprem.
Good Morning sir, says meera! Chief saprem answered, how many time will I correct you, that whenever you want to greet me be on your kneel and greet me like this, (he demonstrate to her okay?)and she answered him, yes sir, one more thing says the chief, say to me my lord is that apparent? meera with water rolling down her cheeks answed yes my lord still on her kneels until chief saprem left. she rise up and continue her work, her sister who has come to collect money from her to treat their sister sofia standing at main entrance and saw what her sister is going through also cry but wiped them off when walking towards meera !hey meera she call her out meera was chocked kylan why are you here asked meera, sorry meera mother sent me here she said maybe we can get some money to take sofia to the hospital she's sick again oh God said meera why again okay wait here am coming, meera went to meet chief Mrs saprem Elisabeth ma she kneel down I need your help ma crying, what Mrs saprem asked angrily ma my sister is sick again and we had to take her to the hospital please ma borrow me money and take from my salary pleasemma, she pleaded you always borrow money from your salary and who say you will be given salary for this month? meera looked at her in a fear way, and remain silent anyway I'll borrow you the money but not today maybe when I come back from the next village in 3days I will give it to you meera raised her head up and said to her please Mrs saprem, my sister would have die by then her sickness is intense please chief Mrs crying held her leg Mrs saprem pushed her away and said to her get out of my room I don't have any money to give now out now meera stood up and take her leave kylan she called her sister but already wipe her tears tell mama to take her to the hospital I will meet you people there go, okay said kylan she left and refer. the message to their mother the doctor attend to them and they were all waiting on meera to bring the money not long meera appears to them and asked for the Doctor's office she went straight there clear off their bills she also gave her mother some money to cook so that they can eat she went back to saprem's house to finish her work her friend meena who was also of her age working in saprem house calls her, meera I saw you coming out of the chief's bedroom? meera answered her yes meena I went to clean his bedroom any problem? asked meera no meena answered I'm your friend can't you confide in me?meera said to her angrily I told you what I went there to do please let me be she pleaded to her, I saw you taking money from the saprem purse said meena meera was stunned, she knelt down and said yes it's' true I do grabbed money from his purse it's forssofia sake please don't tell anyone what you saw please crying, how long will you cry meera asked meena hmmm she smiled at least you went for an hour I would have tell Mrs saorem if I wanted but I know you're never the type and you've begged them for money but they refused to help you, look here we are friends we might met here but it's been 3years now so we are like a sister right meera noded yes I also use to take money from there and you caught me so many times but you never say it to any one so why in earth will I wanna implicate you? I can't okay? thank you meena I promise I will never do it again thanks, I'm done cleaning up can we go now asked meera yes meera I'm also through let's go home, they always work from their working place to their house every day, it's just half a mile to get home, they always go home together and everyday they climb tree to pack fruitssome time it might be mangoes or cashews, and sometimes it might be cherry or grapes they leave in the same street just four houses distance so they see every time they wanted. meera drop her basket if fruits that contains grapes,cherry, and berries she greet her father and mother then she went to Sofia to see how she's doing mama have you given her the drugs yet? no we are waiting for you so that you can read the prescription since your brother is yet to come said their mother, ' food? yes she eat about 39minutes ago okay answered meera she took care of Sofia and they all eat and drink sajun and his friend daven came home lately, sajun me raddy calls him welcome my son how was work today fine papa said sajun mama my friend daven will stay overnight we have a work in the next village very early tomorrow morning no problem my dear welcome daven how is your family? fine mama thank you ma they were served food and sajun called meera out for meena, meena is her brother's girlfriend meera came out and met them kissing it's not new it's late already every where is dark hmmm meena make a sound to let them know that she's there hey meera! meena said to her mama asked me to give your mama this wrap what is this? asked meera I don't just give it to mama I can't go inside again I'm leaving soon okay meera answered and said to her I won't see you off today since your lover boy is here and his friend also good night she hugs her meena left.
The next morning, meera& meena already at work, but today they were given same portion to clean, they were cracking joke and laughing out when meena sunddely asked meera if she knew about the rumor going on in the entire country.
meera have you heard that the emperor of Brahomeh is very ill? meena asked, no ooo said meera when is that? I also don't really know but I heard it from Mrs saprem earlier and she also said she doesn't think the emperor will make it, ahhh what a world I felt sorry for the king though meera said! you know he has three children and they are two princess and one prince the prince is very handsome and also he will be crowned if his father dies, sure that's how the royal familyaare, meera answered her, . They left home very early since all the kings and chiefs will be in brahomeh, After Somedays the Emperor of brahomeh dies and the emperor's interior go from one village to another announced the death of the great Emperor to all 10 villagers, and also said to all villagers that the son of the great Emperor will be crowned in 14 days and a dancing competition wil take place on the day of choosing another Emperor, which the new emperor will choose his life partner and that all the single females should take part in it, he said well and go. Girls keep talking and happy they are all exited that they could be his new highness empire meena was happy too except meera, every one of you is so happy will the Emperor choose you all? meena answered, yes he won't choose all of us, but every body prays for that let's assume that the Emperor choose me won't you be proud to be my friend? you will even people will honour you, really? you will leave my sajun? meera asked of course yes meena answered, fine I love your brother sajun but you aren't rich and I erase a very big opportunity like that because of love, i will be the richest woman in our entire country, what did you say? she push meera with her shoulder and laugh, hmmm now I know the kind of love you have for sajun I will let sajun know the kind of love you have for him meera said haba! no now I was just saying it I don't mean it frowning meera laugh out loud so can change your mood anyways I trust you hmm they both laugh and leave for their houses, meena is about to entered her house when chanta calls her, hey meena it'been a while smiling yes chanta how have you been answered am good you see I've been waiting you and your bestie meera for a while now, I listen to all you said really okay meena was surprised yes answered chanta, meera will never change you know, as in what? meena asked she doesn't want to you to get higher she wants you to remain poor like them see if you marry sajun you're done for, em wait I'm not getting you can you just explain better, you guys are not rich and you want to marry a poor family? who does that? see make sure you go to the dacing ground let's all go but we won't take her along with us, so that she won't knows he doesn't want your progress at all hmm I've never think that before said meena but still meera can never wish me to fall I know her very well we are childhood friend in fact she doesn't like me to suffer that's was why she told sajun to have me I can't believe you thank you for your time though she left her angrily, shit chanta shouted and call Jenny and riyah I don't think this will work out! why what happened with meena? Jenny asked she doesn't believe a thing that I said, and I don't think she will said riyah cause they live their selves so much see let's just forget it, even if we succeed in our mission what's the assurance that the new Emperor will choose any of us and he can't even choose the three of us so what's the trouble? hmmm you said well riyah am also out of this Jenny said and they both left change was very mad and said I will make sure you don't go meera cause if you go the Emperor will surely choose you because you're the most prettiest girl in luacas ill find my way somehow..
After a week and 4days, meera was very ill she couldn't go to work meena is the one doing her work in saprem house, they've take her to different places but no improvement meena use to go to her house everyday after work, good evening mama greeting meera's mother how are you my daughter, see o your mama just left now okay mama said meena mama why don't we take her to the next village,to baba Angola, in that's true o but baba Angola as a popular known his money will be too much for me I would sent for my sister in brahomeh but nobody can go in or come out until the day Crowned will commence,. hmmm and even chief is in brahomeh and the chief Mrs will never help us said meena, mami don't worry I will be okay (taking ill) hello oo, meena who is it? am coming mama sit let me go check she opened the door and to her surprise she saw Jenny and riyah hey girls! you are here? yes we heard about meera's ailment so we came here to check on her says Jenny, yes yes come in said meena they both greet meera's mother and so down on a spoiled couch sorry meera they both said meena it's just 3day for is to go to brahomeh will meera be able to make it, asked riyah hmmm that's what have been thinking cause I wish to go and I pray to God to make her okay before the day comes and I saw baba Angola in father blessing 's house just now why don't we call him? said Jenny really meena exclaimed mama, mama she calls meera's mother out Jenny says she saw baba Angola just now, to call him is not the issuebuy how would I raise money Beatrice meera's mother said don't worry about that Mrs brahomeh will pay is today I will still go back when she comes back said meena kylan kylan she won't answer on time go to the third house and see if baba Angolan is still there please my dear okay mami said kylan she ran outside as if she was being chased by leopard evening auny blessing please is baba Angola here?he was here but he left a while ago said blessing oh she's sad and went home to tell her mother that baba Angola left already her mother was sad after five minutes they hear a knock on the door come in says meera daddy evening baba we've looked for you not too long now evening raddy I was on my way going home and that's when I receive a Singh and calls of the gods I was aks to come here is anyone sick here asked baba Angola yes oo my daughter meera is critically sick come baba said raddy baba entered the room and saw her baba gods of Angola gods love you in this house if not I will be traveling y the dawn tonight, and come back after the new Emperor of all over our villages is crowned thank the gods of luacas baba Angola held meeta's hand and chants on it hmmm he tree it back immediately, this is caused by someone not natural at all, someone want to ruined your glory she's the glory if this house, she will bring wealth, honor, to this family she must not die if today passed and nothing is done she will turn to cripple and that's the end of her destiny it's called "destiny swap" ahh god mo who have I wronged oo crying their mother, see my daughter this is not time to cry we have to look for the person behind this before it's too late baba Angola said, baba meena called out could it be among of her friends? baba go on chants again and again hmm. what reasonable question, yes my child it's one her friends, meena bite herself and called Jenny,Jenny riyah could be chanta, ? riyah answered yes it might be chanta she doesn't want meera to go the dancing ground, kylan asked but why why would she do that to my sister crying Jenny she said she's too beautiful and if she goes his highness will surely pick her Beatrice shouted eh she said that? ah this small small children can go wild ooo eh baba what to do now asked mr raddy we have to see her herself, kylan answered I will take youtthere baba they make arrangements to carry her and that's when sajun and his friend comes back after 2weeks and 7days sajun who was happy and full of load of foods got sad after seeing her sister and hear what happened sajun carried her on his back and they all left but raddy, theirfather, varun the last child and Sofia couldn't go raddy has a leg pain for over 10 years and he hardly walk with stick in his hand and besides Sofia is still sick too but the rest left daven who have been crushing on meera also go with them, Jenny kylan riyah and meena lead them, on getting there, they met chanta mother who was sick and father who doesn't have eyes with chanta's two older brother, good evening here said baba Angola good evening they all answerd please old chief of luacas it's me baba Angola, ahhh baba Angola it's been ageses he held his hand you come here to visit me after 6years asked the old chief chatan's father no I actually came here because of your daughter what's her name he asked kylan answered chanta yes chanta how many of you? asked by the old chief baba Angola answered I and the family of Raddy, what did chanta do baba? asked by John chanta eldest brother, I just have few things to ask her that's all baba Angola answerd, okay she will soon be here oh she's coming already, she was coming from the river where she went to fetch water, good evening papa, mama, she wants to run back as soon as she saw all her friends and meera's mother but her brother held her back and said to her, sit down, baba has few questions to ask you, she was shivering and shaking she sat right before baba Angola, welcome my child,said baba please my child I know this girl your friend has trespass but please forgive her please, haaa I don't understand you oo baba, how? said chanta, meena said to her angrily you're still pretending? ah the gods will punish you chanta, Jenny contribute you better speak up now, see all what you do have been exposed so you don't need to tell lies said riyah wait oo is anything wrong? asked chanta second brother james, my friend your daughter has commit a very big offeence, she gave poison to this girl and if she doesn't tell us where she put it in some minutes now this innocent girl will crippled throughout her lifetime please help us beg your daughter, I know what to do to her but am not doing it because she's your daughter we don't have much time please ask her, the oldchief says what let me ask her my dear, you've been a good daughter to me and your mother, and I thanked you for that but what my friend and your friends are saying, is it the trurh? baba no oo why will I do that answerd chanta, Beatrice go on her knees please beg you my child (cryin)have mercy on me forgive her please beg you, okay then, since you'ren ot ready to talk,I will have to do it my own way, said baba Angola, hmm he make that sound and stand up chanta family shouted and pleaded to baba to relax that she will confess James slapped her from the back and ask her to talk, then she cry out and said yes I did all they accused me of yes I did it she's too beautiful for my liking no matter how she always take a big fish, and if she goes to brahomeh the new Emperor will surely pick her as the Empress that's was why I do it, hmm every body was surprised to her say so baba Angola asked her where exactly did she put poison in her? she said in the drink she was drinking that night she pousined her they all shouted baba Angola said to her that, you're barned from coming to brahomeh ever again, you're lucky that your father is viod person they'll left there and baba Angola treated her and to everyone's surprise she rise up as if she has been sleeping for some days now she was fited they thanked baba Angola, sajun and daven already arranged money for him but he refuse to collect it and say to them that it is god's sent so is free he left, they were all happy and after some days
Curtain Spill!!!
The Dancing Ground
All villagers from the seven cities Are on seat before the the crowded prince arrived, he does to them and gave them word if Wisdom they all like Emperor, some says he will do more than his father the late emperor so some people say he will be exactly like his late father, he said to them let's rejoice and eat and drink as you want the emperor already told his friend sudsh that luacas should be the first city to dance buy since there was a delay serin city is the first to dance but the emperor did not find any one among them all, another city dance again, still the Emperor can't find his taste brano and taimoh also dance still the Emperor can't find one then dingi and baclas dance again still the same thing, and lastly luacas dance and they were beautiful girls meera is not there with them she was hidden her face then kylan try all her efforts with the help of varun and Sofia they push her to the dancing ground she quickly covered her face with mask the Emperor noticed her that she wasn't there before so when they finished dancing they weree asked to open their mark they all did and walked majestically for the Emperor but still he didn't choose any meera was about to go when the Emperor stopped her by holding her hand, the Emperor command her to dance her own and she started dancing rubbish so that the emperor will over look her, but no the emperor tell her to open her mask but she refuse, the Emperor stand up from his sit and open the veil to his surprise she's the girl he has been dreaming of yes I want her to be my Empress meera took her hand ran the Emperor commands the soldiers to bring her back and the party dismissed
many luacas villagers knew her but they never pointed to her all in the name of jealousy even her friends don't point her either and meera already pleaded to her family not to gave her to them.They look for her every where, everyday she will be in saprem house cleaning and washing as usual but later, meera said to her parents that she wants to go to brahomeh to for a work and she will be back in a week almost six of them working in saprem house was taking to brahomeh including meena but meera already stop working in saprem house, meena become so strange that she's enveys her best friend, meera
TO BE CONTINUED...............
STORY BY: Kadithlee