

The Bloody Canvas. Chapter 1.
I am a painter and I made a pact with Alastor, a fallen angel. This is to make my life normal because I see specters that haunt me every day. In exchange for releasing me from this curse I must make him a canvas. But not with any regular paint.

No, it must be the blood of a virgin. And apart from Raphael, I know no one in my entourage who is still such a thing. My name is Elodie, this is the procedure I shall employ for my bloody work promised to a vile creature. My victim and only family left, my twin brother.

Inviting my brother for a beverage at my house he arrives as expected with a beaming smile filled with happiness. The fact that I didn't see him for months due my work makes it hurt even more. We talk pleasantly while we drink pineapple liquor, our favorite.

Knocking my sibling out with the bottle once it's empty, I drag his unconscious body with teary eyes. Putting it on my desk in my workshop I can initiate the persecution for my bloody canvas.

Before getting my tool box I check if my twin is inert. After searching for the case, I go into my private torture collection. I bring out a head crusher, four meters of rope and six Spanish spiders.

Preparing two segments of rope measuring half a meter I attach a spider to each end. Ending this I lodge one into one of his wrists, wrap the rope around both and then lodge the second one in the other wrist. Verifying how tight it is I repeat this action with the ankles.

After a few pained expressions he finally gains back his consciousness, the worst time possible since I'm install the head crusher. Beginning to struggle I just hammer his hands with horse nails.

With every cry of suffering that belonged to him, my heart tightens with sadness and regret. Once reaching my limit, I down a bottle of pineapple liquor. I drowned these useless feelings at the very moment which kept me from realizing the act. But now the field is free and no obstacle will stop me.

Now that my thirst for blood has surfaced, I can begin my sanguine work. I climb on a ladder and pass the rest of the rope through the ring that serves to suspend my chandelier. The rope tip over my brother I split it in half to hang the remaining spiders. Of course, I fixed the other rope tip outside the crime scene just before doing the latter operations.

I clung one of the two spiders to the abdomen and the other to the throat. His suffering is perhaps horrible since he regurgitates blood, but not enough to satisfy me, needing more than a few sobs and a few drops of his crimson life liquid, especially to start this cursed canvas.

© AlaynaCade